2015 English Indices of Deprivation analysis tool (Produced by Oxfordshire County Council)

The Research & Intelligence Unit of Oxfordshire County Council have produced an interactive tool that present the indices on a map of England to make it easier to explore the data for your areas of interest, and have kindly made this tool available to members of the Rural Services Network.

The analysis works through your web browser, and can be accessed at:

The Department for Communities and Local Government provide their own analysis tool that can be found at:


Additional features provided by the Oxfordshire County Council tool that might provide increased benefit to the user are:

    • A decile bar chart which can be displayed for an entire region, specific local authorities, built up areas, or sub-areas. This gives a quick overview of the level of deprivation, and variability in deprivation, for selected areas as well as the measure for each output area within them.
    • Filtering of data to view specific built-up areas or local authorities.
    • Quick and convenient filtering of map areas by deprivation level, making it easier to see where deprivation hot-spots and not-spots are.
    • Visualisation across all domains, IDACI and IDAOPI for each LSOA, that is also connected to the map - i.e. a user can select individual LSOA(s) on the map and see at-a-glance what the ranks of those LSOAs are across the 7 domains, IDACI and IDAOPI – this provides more insight into a single, or cluster of, small areas beyond its IMD rank.

We hope both analysis tools are useful in exploring the indices of deprivation and gaining the most from this valuable data source.


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