£410m to 'transform' local services

RURAL communities will be among those that benefit from a £410m package to help councils transform local services, says the government.

Communities secretary Eric Pickles unveiled the funding package on Wednesday (2 April), saying it would help councils "put the user first"

It would reward authorities that cut duplication and build services around the needs of local people, including £90m to be distributed immediately.

A further £320m would be made available in 2014-15 and 2015-16 to areas with ambitious plans for improving services, said Mr Pickles.

The Rural Services Network has prepared a guide outlining how to apply to the £320m Transformation Challenge Award.

This could include integrating health and social care; getting the unemployed back to work; or early intervention to get children ready for school.

At the heart of all these plans would be a renewed drive to redesign public services in a way that works for users, as well as efforts to reduce long-term costs to the taxpayer.

Mr Pickles said: "This £410m funding package will help to fundamentally change the way local public services are delivered to residents."

The government's Troubled Families programme had shown how services could be improved by building them around what people wanted and needed, he added.

Now the government want to take the same approach to all services, starting with joined up health and social care to keep people out of hospital and provide high-quality care at home.

Mr Pickles said: "This funding will help councils to transform their services faster and provide a better deal for the taxpayer too."

Some of the authorities whose transformation plans will receive immediate support include Taunton Deane Borough Council and West Somerset Council.

The government has earmarked £750,000 for the two councils, which recently merged their management team, to extend their sharing arrangements to more services.

The bidding process for the £320m Transformation Challenge Award has also now opened, with a prospectus and bidding deadlines available here.


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