Our Publications

Our major documents and publications are as follows:

RSN Roadmap to Delivering for Rural

A sixth of the population of England live in rural areas. 

Everyone deserves a chance to live in a thriving community that enables them to reach their full potential.   

With the incoming new Government, the Rural Services Network is poised to provide support and guidance to both Ministers and MPs to ensure that they can:

  • Listen to the needs of rural communities
  • Understand the challenges they face
  • Take action to support their potential

The Rural Services Network, as the national champion for rural services has put together a series of asks which we want to see the new Government adopt.  The challenges rural communities face cannot be tackled in isolation, our communities need homes they can afford, with good jobs, connectivity to enable businesses to grow and access to public services that are fairly funded.

- Download the 'RSN Roadmap to Delivering for Rural' here

Reigniting rural futures

The Rural Coalition, an alliance of twelve national organisations (including the RSN), have published a landmark report which reveals the enormous potential of the rural economy, which could generate billions of pounds annually in additional tax revenues.

The report shows that with the right policy framework, the rural economy could increase productivity significantly, leading to an additional £9 billion to £19 billion per year in tax revenues. This growth would not only support rural communities but also have far-reaching benefits for the national economy, helping to fund essential public services and drive broader economic initiatives.

- Reigniting rural futures - summary report
- Reigniting rural futures - full report

A better future for rural England: An opportunity for change

The Rural Coalition, an alliance of twelve national organisations (including the RSN) who champion a living, working countryside, has set out an urgent appeal for all political parties to empower rural areas in election manifestos to improve the prospects and opportunities for rural businesses and communities.

The roadmap, ‘A better future for rural England: An opportunity for change’, sets out nine policy principles to address the structural inequalities and weaknesses facing rural areas and the people who live and work in rural England.
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'A better future for rural England: An opportunity for change' here

Rural cost of living

The report, Rural cost of living, by Kovia Consulting for the Rural Services Network, which represents rural councils and other rural service providers, examined the key differences in cost-of-living between rural and urban locations. It found that rural residents working in rural economies earn much less than urban residents, yet still face significantly higher costs across key aspects of living including heating, transport, house prices, rent, food prices, child-care costs and council tax.
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'Rural cost of living' report here

Rural as a region: the hidden challenge for Levelling Up

The report, Rural as a region: the hidden challenge for Levelling Up, finds that the Government’s Levelling Up white paper metrics - used to identify the regions most in need of levelling up - are too urban-focused, and do not account for disadvantage in rural economies within regions, often linked to limited local employment prospects, poor transport networks and weak connectivity. It calls for the Government to rethink its choice of metrics and include more rural-relevant indicators such as work placed based incomes, fuel poverty levels, access to further education and house prices relative to local earnings.
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'Rural as a region: the hidden challenge for Levelling Up' here

Rural Cost of Living Survey 2023: Final Report

This report was by evidenced by a survey of rural households distributed by the Rural Services Network (RSN). The results show that more than 75% of respondents say that their financial situation has got worse over the last year. The RSN, which represents rural councils and other rural service providers, conducted the survey with the Rural Issues Group of Citizens Advice to better gauge the impact of the cost of living crisis on households in rural areas across England.

Responses to the online household survey were received by a staggering 6,780 rural residents in a clear demonstration of the severity of the situation
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'Rural Cost of Living Survey 2023: Final Report ' here

State of Rural Services Report 2021

In conjunction with Rural England CIC the State of Rural Services Report 2021 (published in January 2022) explores the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and restrictions on service provision in rural areas of England.

In some respects, the pandemic simply accelerated trends already underway, such as rural residents’ use of online services and cashless payments. One positive outcome has been more rural consumers valuing and using local food shops, a trend which may be sustained.
(Read the full press release here)

- State of Rural Services 2021 Full Report
- State of Rural Service 2021 Executive Summary Report

The State of Care in County and Rural Areas Report

The State of Care in Counties, released by the County Councils Network (CCN) and the Rural Services Network (RSN), provides an overview of the challenges in delivering adult social care in rural and county areas, and provides the first detailed analysis of the impact of the government’s social care reforms for councils.
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'The State of Care in County and Rural Areas' full report here
- Download the 'The State of Care in County and Rural Areas' executive summary here

Towards the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

The way in which the government is allocating funds for its flagship ‘Levelling Up’ programme is failing to properly recognise the needs of rural communities – according to research published by the Rural Services Network
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'Towards the UK Shared Prosperity Fund' report here

Cultivating rural growth

Recognising and addressing the post-pandemic rural productivity challenge
Recognising rural communities’ specific needs
Over the past year, Rural Services Network and its partners have commissioned three studies from Pragmatix Advisory to help inform policymakers on the nature of the economic challenges faced by rural communities and encourage debate on what needs to be done to stimulate their lasting recovery and revitalisation beyond the pandemic.

This report summarises some of the emerging key themes and recommendations.
(Read the associated news story here)

- Download the 'Cultivating rural growth' report here

Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision

Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision is a campaign led by the Rural Services Network to challenge Government on a number of policy areas that affect rural communities. It was launched on March 1st 2021.
(Read the full press release here)

To learn more about this campaign and to view the campaign reports and chapeters click here

Towards a greener Green Book process

There is a long way to go until rural communities see their fair share of investment as new economic research reveals government spending per person on public infrastructure is 44% higher for urban areas than it is for rural areas that include no major cities. The report, Towards a greener Green Book process, produced by Pragmatix Advisory and jointly commissioned by Rural Services Network, Britain’s Leading Edge, CPRE, the countryside charity and English Rural exposes how rural communities are poorly served by government’s mechanisms for allocating public funds.
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the 'Towards a greener Green Book process' full report here
- Download the 'Towards a greener Green Book process' summary report here

Investing in affordable rural housing will level up and turbo charge the rural economy’ according to new research from the Rural Services Network, CPRE (the countryside charity) and English Rural.
(Read the full press release here)

- Download the Rural Recovery and Revitalisation summary report here
- Download the Rural Recovery and Revitalisation full report here
It's Time for a Rural Strategy

This document set out the reasons we believe that Government should develop a comprehensive rural strategy and documents the areas we believe should be included. It is not a Rural Strategy, instead it sets out key rural issues for consideration by government.

- Download the 'It's Time for a Rural Strategy' template document here

State of Rural Services Report 2018

In conjunction with Rural England CIC the State of Rural Services 2018 report (published January 2019) presents the most recent evidence regarding the provision of services to residents and businesses in rural England.

It covers nine service areas, which are: Local buses and community transport, Broadband and mobile connectivity, Public library services, Hospitals, Public health services, Young people’s services, Shops and online shopping and Personal advice services

- The full SORS2018 report can be downloaded here
- The summary of this report can be downloaded here

Implementing the Broadband USO - Briefing note by the Rural Services NetworK

Despite the achievements of the Government’s superfast broadband programme, around 500,000 premises will still be unable to access even a basic broadband connection by 2020. Those premises will predominantly be found in rural locations.
To address this issue, the Government is due to introduce a Universal Services Obligation (USO) for broadband in 2020.....

(Read more...) 

Rural Coalition - New Government must end sidelining of rural issues

The Rural Services Network is one of twelve national organisations who form the Rural Coalition. The Rural Coalition subscribe to a vision for a living and working countryside in England. Given many shared values, we seek to be more influential by joining in common cause. In this statement we set out our key principles, policies and actions which we would urge the new Government to apply to rural communities.

Proposal for a Rural Services Evidence Centre:
- Rural Coalition Statement 2017
- Evidence Base & Assessment of Progress
- Good Practice - Case Studies

The Findings of the First Online Rural Opinion Panel - October 2017
(A Report prepared for the RSN by the CCRI)
In the summer of 2017, the Rural Services Network invested in a novel approach to gathering information about the experience of people living in rural England. They conducted an online survey as part of a recruitment process to establish a Rural Opinion Panel, which will act as a representative voice for rural areas in England, by recruiting people to take part in an online rural opinion panel.  Across six weeks, over 2500 people responded to the survey and the finsigns of this survey can be acceseed here
State of Rural Services Report 2016

In conjunction with Rural England CIC the State of Rural Services 2016 report (published January 2017) presents the most recent evidence regarding the provision of services to residents and businesses in rural England.

It covers nine service areas, which are: local buses and community transport, welfare services, access to cash, further education, the retail sector, mental health services, older people's services, public health services and community assets.

- The full SORS2016 report can be downloaded here

- The summary of this report can be downloaded here

Seeking the best for rural England 2015-2020

The Rural Services Manifesto published by the Rural Services Network ahead of the May 2015 General Election. A pdf of this document can be downloaded here.
Published December 2014.

The summary report of the manifesto can be accessed here
(June 2016)

Affordable rural housing - a practical guide for parish councils

Published by the Rural Services Network and the Rural Housing Alliance, this guide promotes the benefits of rural affordable housing and the role parish councils can play in its delivery. Published December 2014.

Alternative service delivery models in rural areas - RE0260

Delivering services through a “Big Society” model such as Community Ownership, Co-operatives or Mutualisation has become a more embedded part of the service delivery landscape

To view the final Defra report click here

For more information from Defra about this project click here

State of Rural Services Report 2013

The fourth on the State of Rural Public Services in England concentrates on three policy areas: health services, public transport and post offices. Published November 2013.

State of Rural Services Report 2012

Cutbacks threaten to put rural communities at risk when it comes to fire and rescue services, warns the third annual State of Rural Public Services report. Published November 2012.

State of Rural Services Report 2011

A report by the Rural Services Network. Published November 2011.

Cost of Providing Services in Rural Areas (582KB- Word file)

A report by Local Government Futures for the Rural Services Network. Published August 2011.

Rural Review of Public Services 2010 (1.6MB - pdf file)

A report by the Rural Services Network. Published 4 March 2010.

Rural Services Manifesto 2010 (1.64MB - pdf file)

Our comprehensive call to action for politicians prior to the 2010 General Election. Published 4 January 2010.

Understanding the Real Depth and Impact of Fuel Poverty in Rural England (585kB - doc file)

Produced on behalf of the Commission for Rural Communities. Published September 2010.

Implications of National Funding Formulae for Rural Health and Education (2.2MB - pdf file)

We do not claim this to be our document but we are working closely with the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rural Services and this is the recent report. Published 2 April 2010.

Summary Report of the above (448kB - pdf file)
Published 2 April 2010.

Sustaining Rural Communities - a call for action (1.25MB - pdf file)

Our report calling for government action to sustain fragile countryside communities. Published 3 March 2008