T: 01822 851370 E: [email protected]
We can provide a one-stop-shop for rural services through our extensive network of rural service providers and our lobbying and campaigning expertise.
A comprehensive information service including rural news stories, rural statistics at a Local Authority level, updates on Rural campaigns and much more...
Each member has a dedicated place on the website that highlights their approach and best experience in relation to the delivery of rural services in England.
An RSP members page (click here)
An RSP Promoting Rural Best Practice page (click here)
Each member is given an RSP logo to promote the fact they are an active member of the RSP.
The weekly bulletin covers topical issues affecting rural England, including: the economy, funding, health and care, transport, digital connectivity, housing, net zero and planning. The Bulletin reaches over 20,000 recipients each week, including key decision makers across the public, private and third sectors.
There is also an opportunity to include a feature about your organisation in the topical publication the Rural Spotlight, which has a quarterly focus on current rural topics.
To campaign for better rural services through the strong cross-party member group from both Houses, the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Rural Services. This service will provide an opportunity to influence both regional and central government policy impacting on rural areas.
Through a series of focused meetings, rural issues are considered in more detail and their outcomes help to inform the provision of better rural services, in particular for vulnerable groups.
England’s only annual Rural Conference focusing on rural services which provides a forum to discuss topical issues affecting rural communities, businesses and service providers. A chance to network, benefit from best practice and learn from experts and likeminded community activists on how to address vulnerability issues in rural England.
Eight seminars are held each year online to encourage engagement across England, the subject areas vary according to the current topics that members wish to debate but cover the themes of fair funding, the rural economy, transport, rural affordable housing, planning, health and care, digital connectivity and net zero.
A monthly round up of grant and funding opportunities for rural organisations.
A biennial report prepared by Rural England, Community Interest Company. The report presents the most recent evidence and trends regarding the provision of services in rural England. It covers nine service areas, which are: local buses and community transport, welfare services, access to cash, further education, the retail sector, mental health services, older people’s services, public health services and community assets. The next report will be published in 2021.
The Observatory opens the window to a statistical review of rural life. It provides an analysis and commentary on the key services provisions and issues affecting rural communities utilising publicly available statistics. A very useful source of data to inform funding bids and lobbying campaigns.
To gauge opinions on rural issues and working from case studies, best practice and experience providing a consensus, a ‘rural voice’, which can lobby and inform much needed rural research. We currently have Sounding Boards for: