A lifeline for Lincolnshire’s farming and rural folk, getting you back on track together

For over 20 years LRSN (Lincolnshire Rural Support Network) have provided pastoral and practical help to Lincolnshire’s farming and rural families.

We are Lincolnshire’s Listening ear – we understand and can relate to the problems faced by our rural community in times of crisis, stress and change. We provide a one-to-one service tailored to individual needs and work towards solving problems experienced by farmers and growers in Lincolnshire.

We offer:

  • Emotional and practical support over the phone or face to face
  • Practical solutions in partnership with a wide range of professionals
  • Confidential helpline open 8am – 8pm every day of the year
  • Health screening checks at local markets and via our mobile clinic.

Our Impact:

95% of people supported feel better able to manage their mental health:

“Without them I wouldn’t have got through it. It gave me a safety line to be able to say whatever was on my mind”

90% of people supported feel better able to manage their day to day lives

“If I’m honest, we would be in dire straits without the support of LRSN, one way or another we wouldn’t be here”

84% of people supported feel better able to look after their physical health:

“My cholesterol and blood pressure are a bit high, and I’ve been told I need to do something about it.  Bear in mind I’m a dad to two teenage kids, I’m nearly 50 and I want to see them grow up”

Helpline: 0800 138 1710 or [email protected]


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