ACTion - the rural and community charity for Cumbria

ACTion with communities in Cumbria is the rural and community charity for Cumbria. Our vision is to work towards no-one being disadvantaged by where they live, and we do this by: championing rural and community issues, and supporting communities to: Plan for their future, Work with others, Develop and sustain projects and Influence policy.

ACT is committed to hearing and sharing community voices. We are celebrating the voice of young people, where they have engaged with policy issues, and their experience of life in and around the Lake District.

Cumbria Youth Alliance, John Ruskin School Council, West Cumbria Rivers Trust Youth Council, Cumbria Young Farmers and the Lake District National Park Partnership have all supported this work. 

We asked the three young people’s groups to tell us their views on the Lake District National Park Partnership Management Plan, which is being reviewed this year. We provided some resources through the Collaboration Hub, funded by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, so the groups could express their views creatively. 

One of the groups created a small photography exhibition focussing on key topics in the Management Plan, one chose a narrated video and another worked with local musicians to create a rap. Each output is a thoughtful and powerful comment on how young people feel as they grow up connected to this beautiful rural place. 

Take a look at the three creative videos, and a reflection from the Partnership on the issues raised here

We would be happy to discuss this project and the learning if anyone wants to contact us; [email protected] Fran or Lorrainne