30/09/2019 - Board of Directors of the Rural Services Partnership Ltd Meeting

- To download the agenda and papers associated for this meeting, click here
- To download these minutes for this meeting, click here

Attendance & Apologies for Absence

Cllr Cecilia Motley
Graham Biggs – Company Secretary
David Inman
John Birtwistle

Anna Price
Rev Richard Kirlew – RSP Ltd Chair
Stewart Horne

 In the absence of the Chair, John Birtwistle was appointed chair for this meeting

  1. Minutes of RSN Executive and the Board of Directors of RSP Ltd (24.09.2018).

 Were agreed as an accurate minute.

  1. Minutes of RSP AGM (12.11.2018).

Were agreed as an accurate minute.

  1. RSP Accounts for the year ending on 31st March 2019.

 The Statutory Accounts were approved.

Although the accounts showed a loss situation. This was an accounting position. The Company Secretary assured the Board that the RSP was solvent and legally operational as the monthly budget reports to Directors clearly demonstrated.

  1. To recommend to the Members the re-appointment of Tax Assist of Ludlow as the Company’s Tax Accountants for 2019/20.

Tax Assist of Ludlow were reappointed as Company’s tax accountants.


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