'Bungalows will ease rural housing crisis'

BUILDING bungalows would help ease Britain's housing crisis, say rural business leaders.

The Country Land and Business Association said the government was "absolutely right" to promote bungalows as part of the solution to help resolve housing problems.

The comments came after housing and planning minister Brandon Lewis suggested prioritising the building of bungalows for older people would free up larger family homes.

A lack of rural housing for older generations left many with no choice but to relocate to towns, said CLA president Henry Robinson.

"A lack of house building in the countryside has meant that for decades older people in villages have been left unable to downsize," he said.

"Reluctant to move into urban areas where they would lose their support networks, they are choosing to remain in large family houses which are costly to run."

By 2021, 54% of households would be aged over 65 yet the current housing supply was failing to meet the needs of an aging population, said Mr Robinson.

Mr Lewis was absolutely right to promote the building of bungalows.

Single storey buildings would allow older people to stay in the countryside while simultaneously freeing up family properties - lessening the housing shortage.

"The government must not allow housing density targets designed for urban areas to limit the provision of bungalow housing in rural locations."

The organisation said it backed Mr Lewis's calls for traditional, "quintessentially British" design in the provision of bungalows.

Mr Robinson said: "Good design is crucial in all new developments and bungalows are no exception.

"We are happy to share with the Minister our collected examples of well designed bungalows of traditional appearance."


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