Call for a Rural Bus Strategy

On 14th July 2020, the Rural Services APPG considered the main difficulties faced by rural bus services in England, and how these might be overcome

The Chairman of the APPG for Rural Services (The Rt Hon Philip Dunne, MP) has written a letter to the Secretary of State for Transport calling for a rural bus strategy to protect the isolation of individuals who belong to a rural area.   

In relation to rural bus services, the letter states:

“The impact of Covid 19 has exacerbated…issues across the UK and will require ongoing assistance to operators and authorities to rebuild the industry. But that also gives us an opportunity for a fresh approach.

The promise of £5bn for public transport, walking and cycling, announced this February alongside “A better deal for bus users”, in which the Department declared its intent to publish a national Bus Strategy in Autumn of this year, provides the vehicle for that opportunity. The APPG considers that it is imperative that the unique circumstances pertaining to rural bus services are recognized in this, and that special account is taken of these – indeed we would ask for a specific Rural Bus Strategy to respond to the unique and special circumstances of rural areas and the residents thereof.”

A full copy of this letter can be downloaded here

The Rural Services Network provides the Secretariat to the APPG for Rural Services.


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