Climate change has ‘affected a third’ of UK birds

The BBC covers a study by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) examining which UK bird species have been affected by climate change

Researchers found weather changes have had a long-term effect on around a third of the 68 species studied.

It wasn’t all bad news, however, as 13 species have seen a greater than 10% rise in population while just three have seen a drastic drop. In five of the 11 regions studied, cuckoos experienced the biggest fall in numbers.

Two other migratory birds, the swift and the turtle dove, experienced the biggest drop in two areas each. A drop in the amount of food available and changes in temperature have been cited as the main causes.

Conversely, birds that spend winter in the UK tend to be faring better. This includes species such as the buzzard and garden birds such as the robin and blue tit.

Full article:

→ The BBC - Climate change 'has affected a third of UK bird species'


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