Community grants to combat litter

More than £300,000 is now available for community projects that get tough on litter, the government has announced.

Further information on the Litter Innovation Fund is available on the WRAP website.

The first round of funding saw councils, charities, businesses, and public projects awarded almost £125,000 to take innovative steps to tackle littering in their communities.

Successful projects included measures to tackle littering by football fans, and working with hauliers and business owners to reduce roadside litter.

Defra is also preparing to launch a ‘digital innovation challenge’ to help find technological solutions to local litter challenges – including helping people report problems.

The funding builds on the Government’s wider Litter Strategy for England.

Defra minister Thérèse Coffey said the money would be used to combat litter in rural communities – as well as in larger towns and ciites.

“This government is tough on tackling litter which if left unchecked makes our towns and cities less pleasant places, poisons our wildlife, and blights our countryside,” she said.

“That is why we are providing grants of up to £10,000 for communities to come up with creative solutions to tackle litter in their local area and I encourage local groups to apply.”

Communities minister Rishi Sunak said the government was determined to make cities, towns and countryside greener, cleaner and tidier environments for everyone.

“Brilliant ideas to make that happen were realised with the first round of funding,” he said.

“Now, we’re looking for people to come forward with inventive and impactful projects to build on that and our wider strategy to substantially reduce litter.”

The government recently announced a range of new measures to get tough on litter.

These include almost doubling on-the-spot fines for litter louts, and new penalties making the registered keeper responsible for littering from vehicles,

The Litter Innovation Fund application window closes 5 October.


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