Conference to discuss rural housing

RURAL decision-makers and stakeholders have the opportunity to attend a major conference about housing in the countryside.

The National Rural Housing Conference takes place on Thursday, 9 July, at the House of Lords, Westminster, London.

It aims to build on the recently build on the recently published Rural Housing Policy Review and put a national spotlight on rural housing issues and opportunities.

This year's event follows the success of an inaugural 2014 rural housing conference held in Cheltenham.

The conference is aimed at MPs and Peers keen to understand how to deal with rural housing issues.

It will also appeal to chief executives, chairs and directors from housing associations and other providers operating in rural England.

Similarly, local authority chief executives, portfolio holders and directors will also find the event of interest, as will senior civil servants concerned with rural housing issues.

Conference places are strictly limited to 70 delegates.

For full details and a booking form, click here.


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