The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Current Government Consultations - March 2024

A brief summary of current government consultations of potential interest to RSN members. This is not intended as an exhaustive list of all relevant consultations.
- Download a printable version of the Government Consultations here

Changes to various Permitted Development Rights – Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

This consultation contains a number of proposed changes to permitted development rights.

The consultation proposes changes which will enable householders to build larger extensions and provide further freedoms to construct outbuildings.

Government are seeking views on whether the existing building upward rights can be amended to increase the scope of buildings that can benefit from the rights. They are consulting on changes to the demolition and rebuild right to increase the scope of buildings that can benefit from the right and allow for a larger rebuild footprint.

To provide further flexibility to households and businesses wishing to install electric vehicle charging outlets, they are consulting on a number of changes to the relevant rights. They are also seeking feedback on amendments to the permitted development right for air source heat pumps, including consulting on removing the limitation that they must be at least 1 metre from the boundary of the property.

This consultation closes on 9 April 2024.

Changes to various permitted development rights: consultation - GOV.UK (

Strengthening planning policy for brownfield development – Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

This consultation seeks views on changes to national policy to strengthen planning support for brownfield development. The document consults on 3 proposals:

  • Changes to national planning policy to give significant weight to the benefits of delivering as many homes as possible and take a flexible approach in applying planning policies or guidance relating to the internal layout of development.
  • Changes to the way the Housing Delivery Test operates in the 20 towns and cities subject to the uplift in the standard method.
  • Reviewing the threshold for referral of applications to the Mayor of London.

This consultation closes on 26 march 2024.

Strengthening planning policy for brownfield development - GOV.UK (

Competence and conduct standard for social housing – Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

The government is consulting on its proposals to introduce a new, regulatory standard relating to the competence and conduct of social housing staff. This standard will require senior managers and executives to have, or be working towards, a relevant qualification. It will ensure that staff have up-to-date skills, knowledge and experience, and that they exhibit the right behaviours to deliver a high quality, professional service and treat residents with respect.

This consultation closes on 2 April 2024.

Competence and Conduct Standard for social housing: consultation - GOV.UK (

Consultation on reforms to social housing allocations – Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities

This consultation seeks views from local housing authorities, social housing landlords, tenants and applicants on proposals to amend social housing allocation rules.

Government state: “Social housing is a scarce resource and therefore it must be allocated fairly. We are proposing changes to the allocations system so that it prioritises those who have a strong connection to the UK, their local area and those that do not disrupt communities through anti-social behaviour or terrorism offences.”

This consultation closes on 26 March 2024.

Approach to siting new nuclear power stations beyond 2025 – Department for Energy Security & Net Zero

The purpose of this consultation is to begin the process towards designating a new Nuclear National Policy Statement, applicable to nuclear power stations expected to deploy beyond 2025.

Government have proposed some material updates to the existing policy for siting nuclear power stations have been proposed and would like views on the changes ahead of finalising the policy.

This consultation focuses on the overall policy approach before a further formal consultation on the new draft National Policy Statement.

This consultation closes on 10 March 2024.

Approach to siting new nuclear power stations beyond 2025 - GOV.UK (

Gender questioning children: draft schools and colleges guidance – Department for Education

Government is seeking views on their draft non-statutory guidance for schools and colleges about children questioning their gender.

The proposed draft aims to provide guidance and practical support for schools and colleges, including:

  • supporting children who are questioning their gender
  • protecting children from bullying or abuse
  • maintaining child safety and wellbeing

This consultation closes on 12 March 2024.

Gender questioning children: draft schools and colleges guidance - GOV.UK (

Prepared by Andy Dean, Consultant for the Rural Services Network


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