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This consultation sets out proposals to expand the reach of the Warm Home Discount Scheme by removing the high-cost-to-heat threshold in the current Warm Home Discount (England and Wales) Regulations 2022 (for winter 2025 to 2026) and increasing the level of spend available in Scotland for suppliers to allocate through the Broader Group. All households in receipt of means-tested benefits would then be eligible to receive the £150 rebate.
Additionally, it proposes to extend the Park Homes Warm Home Discount scheme to include other individuals without a direct relationship with an energy supplier while maintaining the current budget.
The consultation seeks input from consumers, consumer groups and charities, Warm Home Discount recipients and obligated energy suppliers.
This consultation closes on 24 March 2025.
Expanding the Warm Home Discount Scheme, 2025 to 2026 - GOV.UK
Government are seeking views on new policies to be included in the forthcoming Railways Bill, which will enable the establishment of Great British Railways (GBR). GBR will be a single directing mind that will run our rail infrastructure and passenger services in the public interest.
The overall aim of these proposed reforms is “to provide a railway that works better for both passengers and taxpayers across Great Britain.” They also include:
This consultation closes on 15 April 2025.
A railway fit for Britain's future - GOV.UK
This consultation seeks views on plans to implement measures set out in the Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Act 2023. The government is proposing to introduce a locally led licensing regime for supported housing across England, and new National Supported Housing Standards for the support provided.
The government is also consulting on changes to Housing Benefit Regulations. The intention of the reforms is to ensure that supported housing is good quality and delivers value for money for the taxpayer.
The consultation will inform the drafting of licensing regulations which will also be consulted on later this year, together with the changes to Housing Benefit Regulations.
This consultation closes on 15 May 2025.
Supported Housing regulation: consultation - GOV.UK
Government state: “England has limited land with growing demands being made of it. This consultation explores the land use changes implied by commitments to restore nature, support food production, improve climate resilience and deliver new housing and infrastructure.
“It seeks views on the type and scale of land use changes that might be needed, as well as the actions government could take to support this. This will help to foster a public discussion about how land can better support government’s plan for change.”
This consultation closes on 25 April 2025.
Government are consulting on the draft of the new nuclear National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-7, following the previous consultation on a proposed approach to siting new nuclear power stations beyond 2025 which ran from January to March 2024.
The consultation document contains the government response to the previous consultation, and the policy proposals the government intends to take forward in EN-7.
The proposed NPS will be applicable to nuclear power stations expected to deploy beyond 2025.
This consultation closes on 3 April 2025.
Draft National Policy Statement for nuclear energy generation (EN-7) - GOV.UK
The Homelessness Prevention Grant (HPG) is provided to all local authorities in England to support their statutory obligations and to help deliver local homelessness and rough sleeping strategies.
This consultation is seeking views on HPG and the formula that is used to calculate the need for funding. This consultation will consider proposals on the measures and metrics used to ensure need is calculated accurately based on current and relative pressures.
This consultation closes on 11 March 2025.
Funding arrangements for the Homelessness Prevention Grant from 2026/27 onwards - GOV.UK
Fuel poverty is defined in the Warm Homes and Energy Conservation Act 2000 as: “a person [who] is a member of a household living on a lower income in a home which cannot be kept warm at reasonable cost.”
In 2014, the government introduced in legislation a fuel poverty target for England to improve as many fuel poor homes as is reasonably practicable to a minimum energy efficiency rating of Band C, by the end of 2030.
As part of the Warm Homes Plan, government are updating the fuel poverty strategy for England. Government has reviewed the 2021 fuel poverty strategy and concluded that a new strategy is required to support fuel poor households and lower bills.
The government is now consulting on a new strategy. This consultation is seeking views on:
This consultation closes on 4 April 2025.
Review of the Fuel Poverty Strategy - GOV.UK
Government is proposing to raise the minimum energy efficiency standard required of privately rented homes in England and Wales to the equivalent of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) C by 2030.
The proposed policy aims to deliver significant energy bill and carbon emissions savings in the sector to deliver against government’s statutory 2030 fuel poverty target and carbon budgets.
This consultation follows on from a consultation in 2020, with updated proposals to account for new and relevant considerations, including proposed reforms to EPCs.
Government have published a consultation stage options assessment alongside this consultation to provide analysis on the estimated impact of the policy on the sector.
This consultation closes on 2 May 2025.
Improving the energy performance of privately rented homes: 2025 update - GOV.UK
Government are seeking views on:
In parallel, Ofsted is consulting on inspection reform and report cards.
Government would encourage respondents to look carefully at both consultations.
This consultation closes on 28 April 2025.
School accountability reform - GOV.UK
Prepared by Andy Dean, Consultant for the Rural Services NetworkEmail: [email protected] |
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