Current Government Consultations - November 2024

A brief summary of current government consultations of potential interest to RSN members. This is not intended as an exhaustive list of all relevant consultations.
- Download a printable version of the Government Consultations here

Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings – Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

This consultation seeks views on the detail and practical implications of allowing remote and hybrid attendance at local authority meetings.

It also tests views on the possible introduction of proxy voting for those occasions when an elected member, due to personal circumstances, may be unable to attend even remotely. For example, during maternity, paternity or adoption leave.

This consultation closes on 19 December 2024.

Enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings - GOV.UK

Consultation on future social housing rent policy – Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

Government are seeking views on a draft Direction to the Regulator of Social Housing. The Direction would require the Regulator to set a regulatory standard on rents that will apply to Registered Providers of social housing.

This encompasses:

  • Private Registered Providers (including housing associations that are Private Registered Providers)
  • Local authority Registered Providers (such as local authorities with retained housing stock)

Section 197 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 gives the Secretary of State the power to direct the Regulator of Social Housing to set a standard on rent, and about the content of that standard. Once issued, a Direction is binding on the Regulator. Government propose to use this power to issue a new Direction to the Regulator on rent. The proposed Direction has been published alongside this consultation.

This consultation closes on 23 December 2024.

Consultation on future social housing rent policy - GOV.UK

Making Work Pay: Strengthening Statutory Sick Pay – Department for Work & Pensions

This consultation is on the percentage replacement rate for those earning below the current rate of Statutory Sick Pay.

This consultation forms part of government’s commitment to strengthen Statutory Sick Pay, as part of the plan to Make Work Pay, “an ambitious agenda to ensure workplace rights are fit for a modern economy, empower working people and deliver economic growth.”

This consultation closes on 4 December 2024.

Making Work Pay: Strengthening Statutory Sick Pay - GOV.UK

Prepared by Andy Dean, Consultant for the Rural Services Network
Email: [email protected]