Debate is Housing Week highlight

THE importance of affordable homes in maintaining communities is being highlighted during Rural Housing Week.

Projects by housing associations and issues around the provision of affordable homes will be showcased during Rural Housing Week 2015, which runs from 6-12 July.

Housing associations, local authorities and community organisations are all building affordable homes in rural communities.

By providing homes needed by people working locally, they are helping local people to continue to live in the same area as their friends and family.

This helps to preserve the economic viability of rural communities - by ensuring continued demand for key services such as shops, schools, post offices and pubs.

A key focus during the week is the National Rural Housing Conference which takes place in the House of Lords on Thursday (9 July).

This Rural Housing Alliance conference is being organised with the support of the Rural Services Network.

Delegeates will debate some of the key problems and answers to the rural housing question in the heart of Westminster.

All presentations from the conference will be on the Rural Services Network website next week.

During Rural Housing Week in 2015 housing associations, parish councils and other rural groups and organisations will be highlighting rural housing issues.

Local activities across the country include exhibitions in local libraries, debates, coffee mornings and visits to rural housing schemes.

Endorsed by the Rural Housing Alliance and coordinated by the National Housing Federation, you can find out more by visiting the Rural Housing Week website.

Alternatively, contact Monica Burns at the Federation by emailing


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