Defra - Food Vulnerability, Local Authority Welfare Assistance Scheme

Below is is this week's update on Defra's work on food for vulnerable people:

Defra recieved Confirmation on Wednesday 10 of June of a one-off, additional funds for people who are Economically Vulnerable due to impacts of the COVID-19 response.

The Prime Minister announced an additional £63 million, short-term funding, for local authorities to help those who are struggling financially due to the impact of COVID-19.

This will allow authorities to step in and provide discretionary financial help to those facing severe hardship to allow them to pay for food and other necessities.

Local Authorities can use existing approaches to provide funding in ways which suits the needs of their local community.

This may include for example, provision of cash payments, food vouchers, or alternative support.

Funds will be distributed according to local need, and local authorities are best placed to determine that.

People who are in severe financial difficulty and unable to afford food, should approach their Local Authority.

The additional £63M will sit alongside the £6.5 billion of extra support provided through the welfare system to ensure the most vulnerable are protected throughout this crisis.


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