Education Secretary under pressure for rural school funding

The Education Secretary Damian Hinds is under pressure from members of his own party regarding funding for rural schools, according to the Tes.

In particular, Esther McVey MP for Tatton and formerly Work and Pensions Secretary, asked Hinds to ‘look again at school funding in rural areas, particularly Cheshire, and push for further funding at the Spending Review’. Antoinette Sandbach MP for Eddisbury commented that schools in Cheshire ‘are still underfunded compared to more urban parts, especially London’.

Hinds said that he was ‘very conscious…of the issues around rural schools and smaller schools and we have, of course, made adjustments for that in the national funding formula’. At the end of his response, the Education Secretary agreed to McVey’s offer of meeting with head teachers and school governors in Cheshire.

Full article:

→ tes - Hinds faces Tory pressure over school funding

→ The Knutsford Times - Education Secretary to face tough questioning over school funding


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