Faster broadband for Northamptonshire

MORE than 21,800 homes in Northamptonshire can now get faster fibre broadband thanks to a project led by the county council.

Fifteen roadside fibre broadband cabinets have just 'gone live' in the latest communities to benefit from the Superfast Northamptonshire programme.

They include parts of Aldwincle, Barnwell, Cotton, Denford, Mawsley Village, Northampton, Oundle, Stoke Doyle, Thorpe Waterville, Thrapston and Woodford.

Public sector intervention is critical to ensure more people can benefit from access to faster broadband, says Northamptonshire County Council.

The project is being funded by the local authority alongside the Government's Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) programme alongside private investment from BT.

The council's ultimate aim is to surpass the government's national 95% coverage target and secure countywide access to superfast broadband by the end of 2017.

Andre Gonzalez De Savage, cabinet member for economic growth, said delivering the infrastructure would enable communities to access superfast broadband speeds.

"So far, we've seen some rapid deployment across our county and I know that each week we are seeing more and more fibre being installed, which means we're on the way to achieving our goals."

Bill Murphy, BT's managing director of next generation access, said the programme was bringing high-speed fibre broadband to some of the most challenging areas.

"The programme shows the power of the public and private sectors working together."

BT had brought technical expertise to the table as well as millions of pounds of investment.

"If we can go further, we will do so," said Mr Murphy.

Local households and businesses were using superfast broadband to work more efficiently and find new customersm as well as for online learning and leisure.

The new network was available on an open wholesale basis to all internet service providers, ensuring competitive pricing and products for all local households and businesses.

To access the high-speed broadband network, people and companies in upgraded areas are asked to contact their Internet Service Provider and enquire about a fast fibre connection.

The county council has already launched a procurement for the next major stage of the project and more news on the outcome of this will be available in the autumn.


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