Forest of Dean Delivers 128 Eco-Friendly Rural Homes in 2023-24

2023-24 saw the Forest of Dean District Council have another strong year in delivering affordable housing with 128 new affordable and eco-friendly homes delivered across the district. 

Councillor Adrian Birch, leader of the council, said:  

"As a council we’re committed to providing affordable housing for our residents, and these new statistics show that we are making progress towards that goal.  

“These houses are situated right across the district and are evidence of our desire to meet the housing needs of local residents. Furthermore, by achieving a high energy performance rating, we are also helping to reduce our carbon footprint and reducing energy costs for future occupants. 

“If you are interested in applying for affordable housing then please register with Homeseeker Plus. The details of which can be found on the council’s website." 

In total, 32 social rented homes 60 affordable rented homes and 36 shared ownership homes have been built across the district, including in rural parishes, as seen below: 

  • 56 new affordable homes delivered in Newent. 
  • 28 new affordable homes delivered in Lydney. 
  • 27 new affordable homes delivered in Coleford. 
  • 17 new affordable homes were delivered in rural parishes which helps enable households to live and remain in their local communities.  

The delivery of this affordable housing has been supported by £70,000 of grant funding from the District Council and positive working relationships between the council and local housing association, Two Rivers Housing, has seen the delivery of 97 new affordable homes. 

The 128 houses consist of multiple different types from one bed flats and bungalows through to larger sized four-bed family housing. Furthermore, the delivery of 36 shared-ownership homes has helped families take their first step onto the property ladder. 

The new affordable homes have all achieved an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) above the national average for existing homes (EPC D). This means that the homes will be more energy efficient resulting in lower environmental impact and cheaper energy bills. 

More information on housing across the district can be found here:  

The Forest of Dean District Council's progress in delivering affordable housing exemplifies the principles advocated by the RSN’s Winning the Rural Vote Campaign which calls for increased governmental support and local policy adjustments to foster affordable housing in rural areas. This initiative supports the RSN's asks to make housing more accessible to younger residents and essential workers, thereby maintaining the vitality of rural communities.

In line with these efforts, the RSN is hosting an exclusive Rural Housing seminar on Wednesday 26 June, which is free for RSN members. This seminar will serve as a valuable forum for discussing ongoing challenges and opportunities in rural housing, with a focus on shaping effective strategies to enhance access to affordable housing in rural areas. Members interested in furthering these discussions are encouraged to book their spot HERE.


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