Future Countryside 2024

Future Countryside 2024 takes place today. Hosted by prominent figures such as the Duke of Northumberland at Syon House and Nick Herbert, co-founder of Future Countryside, this event promises to bring together key voices in rural policy and development. 

Future Countryside 2024 is set to be an engaging platform where national leaders, policy makers, and community advocates discuss and shape the future of rural Britain. This year, the event will feature a series of talks and discussions focusing on the pivotal roles communities play in the countryside and strategies for enhancing landscapes for food, nature, and health. 

Speakers include René Olivieri, Chair of the National Trust, Steve Reed, Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, and Rt Hon Stephen Barclay, Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. These discussions are supplemented with case studies and roundtable discussions featuring experts like Charlie Luxton of the Plunkett Foundation and Abi Reader from Goldslands Farm. 

While the in-person tickets for the event are fully booked, you can join the conference online. The online participation is free for everyone. This makes it an excellent opportunity for those unable to attend in person to still engage with the critical topics being discussed. 

Register to join in online HERE.  Online attendees will have the ability to submit questions and interact with the sessions. 

The Rural Services Network will be listening online and will provide feedback and summary in next week’s bulletin for those who might miss the live event. This follow-up will cover key insights and actions from the conference, ensuring our members stay informed on the latest trends and discussions in rural policy. 


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