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The funding will ‘top-up’ the Government’s existing Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme, to help people in hard-to-reach locations get a fast, reliable broadband service.
The County Council’s Executive Member for Commercial Strategy, Human Resources and Performance, Councillor Stephen Reid, said: “96% of Hampshire can now access superfast broadband with speeds of 24Mbps (Megabits per second) or more. This is a fantastic achievement, but we want to extend access further.”
Digital Infrastructure Minister, Matt Warman, said: ''Better broadband enhances lives, and it's great to see Hampshire investing alongside government to make that a rapid reality. As part of our plans to level up communities across the UK, we’re prioritising bringing the economic and social benefits of gigabit-capable broadband to rural areas. Even more help is now at hand for rural parts of Hampshire currently suffering with slow speeds. I encourage people and businesses in these areas to check if they’re eligible for a voucher to boost their broadband with these next-generation speeds.”
The Hampshire Top-Up to the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme will enable eligible residents to get vouchers worth up to £3,000 per property - double that of the standard government voucher. Gigabit-capable broadband (also known as ultrafast broadband) has speeds of up to 1000Mbps or 1Gbps. It means residents will be getting the latest technology, delivered straight to their homes – with final speeds being determined by the package chosen by the resident.
To qualify for the scheme, residents must live in a rural area, be unable to get broadband speeds of 100Mbps or more and apply as a group of two or more premises. Not everyone within a community has to apply – the aim is for there to be enough interest to cover the installation costs (or as near as possible), so that the infrastructure can be built, and gigabit-capable broadband can be made available.
To find out if you are eligible, follow the below steps:
The Hampshire Top-Up Voucher will be allocated on a 'first-come, first served' basis. To find out more, go to www.hampshiresuperfastbroadband.com/top-up
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