The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

How soon will it be before seeing food rationing in the UK?

It may not be so long, and many don't even think about it.

With the wet Winter, much of the Winter corn crops are rotting in the ground.

If farmers plough the crops in, to replant with Spring corn, which yields less than Winter crops, if it then becomes a dry period, we wi1l be short of grain.

Early Potatoes are already not available. as they have rotted in the ground from the wet weather.

Landlords don't reduce the rents on farm land if the tenant gets a 50% crop.

We may be importing food, but, for example, Salad crops in Spain are leaving Spain short of water.

Importing food from afar is adding to climate change and pollution.

We need to address food security by nor building on food producing land.

While Denmark is introducing a cow tax to reduce and create a forest as big as Dorset to cut emissions by 30%

In the Netherlands the government are buying land to reduce food production with less cattie. Bill Gates in America is buying land to take out of production.

Minister for Horticulture is needed, before we see food queues and rationing.

If we were to take all development land in hand, then build 100% affordable homes, The young people would be able to live better, while older retired folk could cash in their home to have a cheaper one with capital in Hand.

Some people don't understand this or are choosing not to, New developments are appearing everywhere, with no concerns for the residents that will be paying rents or mortgages until they retire" working all hours to pay the debt, they have no time for their children's wellbeing and create air pollution and traffic gridlock on the way. No community garden to produce a healthy diet, no shop, so residents have to travel to town, no community centres where mixed age groups can socialise.

Then those in Authority wonder why we are seeing an increase in mental health issues, depression and suicidal thoughts! The increase in knife crime and shoplifting could also be caused by the cost of housing, as young people have no purpose In life. Their wages go on the cost of accommodation. Those young people are unlikely to get a well paid job.

Developers should be told what to build, not them build what they can sell at the highest price.

May I invite you to visit my website at see Think global Live Local, & why are so many obsessed with property values. & the History of village life:

Laurence Keeley
6 Fairfield
Est Sussex
BN27 4NE.


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