Launch of the 2021 RSN Seminar Programme

The Rural Services Network is delighted to launch it’s 2021 Rural Seminar Programme.
  • Each year we provide a seminar programme to our member organisations and this year we have increased the number of events on offer to 9!!
  • Last year we found that attendance increased at the seminars due to them being online and reducing the need for delegates to travel.
  • The 2021 Seminar Programme focuses on the Revitalising Rural campaign, click here for more information and each seminar is themed on a particular issue from the campaign, enabling members to debate the issues that matter most to rural.
  • The seminars each last around 2 hours and are held online, so you don’t need to take a day out of the office to attend but can select the session most relevant to you and your role and responsibilities.  Alternatively if you are interested in all things rural, feel free to book a place on all of the sessions!
  • The attached leaflet sets out the whole programme and includes links to book your place through Eventbrite.  You will be sent details of how to join the event and the final agenda for the session closer to the date. 
  • Each session features 2 or 3 expert speakers with a chance for you to ask questions of the speakers after their presentation, and then time for all of the delegates to share their experiences and discuss key issues in relation to the topic.
  • The seminars are provided as a membership benefit of being in the Rural Services Network and are free of charge to member organisations only.
Click here to see the seminar programme and book your place!



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