The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

Local Government White Paper: A Call for Change and Innovation

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The Local Government Association (LGA) has released a crucial White Paper at a pivotal moment for local government, highlighting its indispensable role in addressing some of the nation's most pressing challenges. With the General Election set for July, the LGA emphasises that now is the time for change and new hope.

The Challenges Facing Local Government

Local governments are currently navigating an extraordinarily challenging landscape. Increased demand for services and rising costs have forced many to make difficult decisions, often with less financial resources. Despite these hurdles, the sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience and innovation.

Local governments play a vital role in shaping communities, providing essential services, ensuring safety, and fostering conditions for prosperity and wellbeing. The White Paper asserts that local government is uniquely positioned to make significant and rapid improvements in the lives of citizens through efficient and effective service delivery.

Priorities for a New Partnership

The White Paper outlines several key priorities for resetting the relationship between local and national government:

  • Equal, Respectful Partnership: The LGA calls for a new, respectful partnership between local and national government, emphasising mutual respect and cooperation.
  • Sustainable Funding: Ensuring that local governments have sufficient and sustainable funding is crucial for maintaining and improving services.
  • Empowering Local Government as Place Leaders: Local authorities should be recognised and supported as leaders in their communities, driving local economic growth and wellbeing.
  • Focus on Prevention and Community Services: A shift towards preventative services and broader community support can lead to more sustainable and effective public service delivery.
  • Innovation and Reduced Bureaucracy: The White Paper advocates for greater freedom from bureaucratic constraints to foster innovation and efficiency in service delivery.

Working Together for Change

The LGA proposes several new opportunities for collaboration with the next government:

  • New Central-Local Partnership: Establishing a new model for partnership between central and local government to implement the White Paper's recommendations.
  • Review of Public Service Reform: Commissioning a major review to explore how public services can work together more effectively, focusing on prevention and invest-to-save models.
  • Improving Cost-Effectiveness and Innovation: Enhancing cost-effectiveness and fostering innovation through shared learning across government departments.

Addressing the Funding Gap

The White Paper reveals a £6.2 billion funding gap facing councils in England over the next two years, underscoring the urgency of the situation. The LGA calls for a significant and sustained increase in funding in the upcoming Spending Review and reforms to the local government finance system.

Kevin Bentley, the LGA's Senior Vice Chairman, emphasised the substantial offer local government brings to the table: "Respect us, trust us, and fund us. By working together as equal partners, we can meet the fundamental long-term challenges facing our communities."

Mike Short, Unison’s head of local government, highlighted the existential crisis many councils face due to years of underfunding, warning that without sustained investment, many councils could face effective bankruptcy.


The LGA's White Paper is a clarion call for a renewed and reinvigorated partnership between local and national government. It urges political parties to recognise the critical role of local government and to commit to the necessary reforms and funding to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of public services. The Rural Services Network, a Special Interest Group of the LGA, supports these calls for action.

For a comprehensive understanding of the proposals and recommendations, you can read the full Local Government White Paper here:


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