MPs call for school transport funding

LIBERAL Democrat MP Tim Farron has called for new transport funding so post-16 rural pupils can continue their education.

    See also: Call for rural transport investment

Mr Farron, who hopes to become the next Lib Dem leader, represents the rural South Lakes constituency in Cumbria.

He wants the government to consider implementing a Rural Sparsity Post-16 Travel Premium.

An Early Day Motion (EDM) sponsored by Mr Farron states that MPs recognise the benefits of keeping pupils in education or training up until the age of 18.

EDMs are formal motions submitted for debate in the House of Commons – although very few are actually debated.

However, EDMs do allow MPs to draw attention to an event or cause.

Mr Farron's EDM also notes the increased costs for pupils travelling vast distances to their nearest suitable centre of learning or training in sparse rural areas.

This cost is compounded by the lack of existing transport infrastructure, says the motion.

It further notes – with concern – that the increased cost of transport not covered by local authority schemes impacts disproportionately on students from lower income backgrounds.

This increased cost often amounts to hundreds of pounds a year per pupil, the motion says.

A Rural Sparsity Post 16 Travel Premium would enable disadvantaged pupils from rural areas to continue their education without fear of being unable to afford to travel there, it adds.

As of Sunday (14 June), some 13 MPs had registered their support for Mr Farron's EDM.


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