Navigating Rural Challenges: Insights from Monday's Planning Seminar

Yesterday the RSN hosted a Rural Planning Seminar. With over 70 members from across the RSN and Rural Services Partnership (RSP) membership attending, the event emphasised the collective dedication to enhancing rural planning methodologies and addressing critical issues faced by rural communities.

The seminar was rich with discussions led by prominent rural advocates and experts. Kerry Booth, Chief Executive of the RSN, kicked off the event by introducing the central theme of rural planning, setting the stage for a day of insightful dialogue. James Porter, an Ecologist and Biodiversity Net Gain Specialist from Lichfield District Council, delved into the opportunities and challenges associated with Biodiversity Net Gain. His presentation highlighted the economic and environmental stakes involved, sparking a series of questions and discussions among participants.

Neil Homer, Managing Director at Oneill Homer, captivated the audience with his exploration of the different attitudes towards rural development, characterised as NIMBYs, YIMBYs, and NIYBYS, and their impact on local planning efforts.

Meanwhile, Jackie Copley, Campaigns Lead and Brad Taylor, Rural Policy and Campaigns Officer from CPRE provided an in-depth look at the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and its implications for rural affordable housing, a topic that resonated with many due to the pressing housing issues in rural areas.

The active participation throughout the seminar via questions and shared insights via the chat function highlighted the community's engagement and commitment to improving rural planning strategies. It also reflected the critical need for sustainable development practices that align with the ecological and socio-economic realities of rural areas.

Looking forward, the RSN is keen to announce the our next seminar, scheduled for Wednesday 27 November. This seminar will shift focus towards access to rural health and care services, another vital aspect of rural community life. This online seminar aims to gather experts and community members to discuss challenges and innovations in rural health and care. Attendance is free for all members of the RSN, RSP, Rural Health & Care Alliance (RHCA), and Rural Market Town Group (RMTG), with registration on a first-come, first-served basis.  Book you place HERE.

As we delve into the multifaceted world of rural policy, RSN’s seminars provide an essential platform for exchanging knowledge, influencing policy, and promoting a community-driven approach to fostering rural growth and unlocking rural prosperity. These meetings are instrumental in our continued advocacy to enhance rural vitality and sustainability across England. Your engagement and contributions are crucial to our shared mission to cultivate a vibrant and prosperous rural environment.


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