The National Rural Conference 2024

The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here

One million cancel broadband as living costs rise

The BBC reports that up to one million people cancelled their broadband in the last year because of the high cost of living, a survey by Citizens Advice suggests.

Citizens Advice said its survey of 6,000 people suggested those receiving universal credit were six times more likely to have stopped spending on broadband in the last 12 months than non-claimants.

They are concerned the problem could get worse, with people claiming the benefit four times more likely to be behind on broadband bills. The charity also said those struggling could have benefited from cheaper social tariffs or special low-cost packages.

According to Ofcom, one in three UK households had an issue affording their communication services. Watchdog Ofcom has also warned 4.3 million eligible people are missing the low-cost package deals.

The government said it had encouraged social tariff take-up by working with Ofcom and the industry to introduce a range of products to the market.

These were available in 99% of the UK and started from £10 per month, it added.

However, Ofcom found the take-up of social tariffs remained very low - at about 5% of those eligible - although it had quadrupled since January last year.

Dame Clare Moriarty, chief executive of Citizens Advice, said the watchdog needed to "hold firms' feet to the fire" to improve their take-up.

"People are being priced out of internet access at a worrying rate," she said. "Social tariffs should be the industry's safety net, but firms' current approach to providing and promoting them clearly isn't working.

"The people losing out as a result are the most likely to disconnect."

Full article:

The BBC - One million cancel broadband as living costs rise

Citizens Advice is a member of the Rural Services Network.  You can find out more about them at this link


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