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The following analysis demonstrates the future challenges facing local authorities in supporting communities, with predicted ageing populations for all authority types. The predicted proportion of population who are 65 and over, and the rate of increase, is greatest within the most rural local authority areas. Serving rural communities that are spread over wide geographical areas, an ageing population will naturally bring with it a need to adapt and respond to evolving pressures
NB. "Long-term subnational population projections are an indication of the future trends in population…They are trend-based projections, which means assumptions for future levels of births, deaths and migration are based on observed levels mainly over the previous five years. They show what the population will be if recent trends continue.
The projected resident population of an area includes all people who usually live there, whatever their nationality. People moving into or out of the country are only included in the resident population if their total stay in that area is for 12 months or more, thus visitors and short-term migrants are not included. Armed forces stationed abroad are not included, but armed forces stationed within an area are included. Students are taken to be resident at their term-time address.
The projections do not take into account any policy changes that have not yet occurred, nor those that have not yet had an impact on observed trends." (taken from associated notes by ONS)
Analysis of over 65 population projections (2012 to 2043)
- Analysis User Guide
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