Police conference targets rural crime

RURAL crime – from metal theft to livestock rustling – will top the agenda at a police conference.

The second annual ACPO Rural Crime Seminar will take place on Thursday (8 November) at Kettering, Northamptonshire.

Building on the success of last year's inaugural rural crime seminar, this year's event will have a particular emphasis on rural farming crime.

Police believe the response to rural offences can only be delivered effectively through a multi- agency approach and meaningful engagement with local communities.

The event will provide a forum for the sharing of best practice; examine new initiatives and effective ways of tackling rural crime in our communities.

It will also assist in identifying areas for the future prioritisation of available resources.

Topics highlighted will include the use of social media to combat rural crime.

Staffordshire Police, for example, has worked hard over the past few years to integrate social media into the force's wider communication and engagement activity.

It uses social media to actively work with communities to understand their needs and constantly review what works and are the best ways of engaging with local people

A series of workshops will see delegates asked what priorities police should focus on to keep rural communities safe.

They will also be asked to explore the role of the Environment Agency in rural crime and criminality with an emphasis on working.other law enforcement agencies.

Another session will explore the possibility of using ASBOs against major rural criminals in a bid to give communities an additional tool to protect themselves.

For details, visit http://www.acporuralcrime.org


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