Police success against rural crime

A POLICE operation to tackle rural crime is continuing to disrupt criminal activity in Lincolnshire.

Operation Aardwolf is a dedicated operation to tackle rural crime in and around the market towns of towns of Market Rasen, Louth and Horncastle.

Specialist teams of officers, PCSOs and special constables – both in plain clothes and high visibility uniform – have been conducting nightly patrols and stop-checks.

Police inspector Richard Myszczyszyn said: “We are proactively challenging all suspicious behaviour and taking robust action against offenders.

    See also: Police issue warning over rural crime

“Operation Aardwolf activity continues to generate successes and criminals visiting our county should be in no doubt of our determination to deny them the opportunity to offend”.

One stop-check saw officers halt a suspicious vehicle in an area where previous burglary offences had been committed.

The stop led to the arrest of two people on suspicion of burglary-related offences.

On the same night, a man was charged with driving while disqualified and a vehicle was seized for having no insurance.

Police operations in other areas have seen constabularies join forces across county boundaries as they step up the fight against rural crime.

Recent warnings by the National Rural Crime Network suggest that crime in the countryside is costing as much as £800m per year nationally.

Rural businesses and homeowners are being urged to review their security – especially in areas where there has been a recent spike in offences.

Crime reduction tactical advisor Sally Picker said: "It is very easy to be complacent and think 'it won't happen to me' but that's what opportunistic offenders rely on.

"Please ensure that all your properties and vehicles are safe and secure and deny criminals the opportunity to carry out crime."


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