Prime Minister backs local green belt campaign

The Prime Minister has lent his support to a local Wolverhampton campaign to protest against plans to build 1,300 homes on green belt land. The Express and Star reports that Boris Johnson met with Stuart Anderson, the Conservative parliamentary candidate for Wolverhampton South West, and the pair discussed the campaign.

Anderson said: ‘I was able to get a meeting with the Prime Minister…to raise this as a major concern and get his support. Although this is a local issue and the decisions sit with the local councils involved, I wanted to get as much support as possible.’ There are 14 green belt areas in England, with one of the largest situated in the West Midlands.

The Government says green belt areas ‘should only be altered where exceptional circumstances are fully evidenced and justified’ but the ultimate decision remains with local authorities.

→Full Article:

Express and Star: Prime Minister backs local green belt campaign


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