Reaching Rural Properties

The Yorkshire Post reports on a new report launched by Localis, an independent think tank, titled Reaching Rural Properties: Off Grid heating in the transition to net zero

The article states:

‘Localis argues that off grid households should not be penalised for their location and that government should extend and make equal the 2035 deadline for all homes.’

It highlights how the current Government strategy for decarbonising off-grid heating is a one size fits all approach, which isn’t fit for purpose.  It doesn’t consider the needs of homes and businesses in rural areas, or the complexity of heating rural properties, which are typically harder to heat and expensive to retrofit.

The report was the result of research into the challenges facing rural properties, along with two roundtable discussion events.  The Rural Services Network participated in one of these sessions, highlighting the unfairness of the one size fits all policy that puts rural communities at a disadvantage.

The report makes 3 key recommendations along with some key asks of Government.


Government Policy:
An end of the installation of fossil fuel heating in homes off the gas grid by 2026.

Localis Recommendation:
Bring the 2026 ban on fossil fuel boilers for off grid homes into line with the 2035 deadline for on-grid homes.


Government policy:
A ‘heat pump first’ approach to replacement heating systems from 2026.

Localis Recommendation:
Government should not be proscriptive over technology at this stage in the decarbonisation process


Government policy:
Requiring high performing replacement heating systems where heat pumps cannot reasonably practically be installed.

Localis recommendation:
Embed a mixed technology approach in the regulatory framework and work with industry stakeholders to determine what role biofuels will play in the decarbonisation of off grid homes.

In addition, they highlight:

The electricity infrastructure in rural areas is in many places not prepared for a widespread switch to electricity as a primary heating source. It is important that the Government build a programme of electricity infrastructure upgrade in rural areas into the roadmap to net zero.

The current EPC methodology is not well suited to application in off grid homes. The Government should review the EPC methodology with the aim of redressing the unequal impact on off-grid homes.

The Rural Services Network was at the launch of the report last week in Westminster to participate in further debate about the issues raised along with industry representatives, rural organisations and government representatives.

The RSN has previously highlighted some challenges for rural areas as a result of the Governments Heat and Buildings Strategy and you can read more in our Rural Lens review at this link.

You can download a full copy of the report here