RSP Member - Citizens Advice Dorset

Citizens Advice in Dorset (CAiD) is a consortium of three local Citizens Advice charities in the Dorset council area, which provide free, confidential and impartial advice to help people find a way forward, whatever problems they face.

Its aim is to ensure that the people of Dorset have access to the best possible advice services by promoting the work of Citizens Advice, and by supporting the development and growth of the service.

Citizens Advice in Dorset provides free, independent and confidential advice and information. We offer a full range of advice and support including help with....Welfare Benefits, Debt, Employment, Energy, Housing and Consumer issues.

The Indices of Deprivation (access to Housing and Services domain) indicate that a vast area of Dorset suffers from rural deprivation. This makes it more difficult for local residents to seek help with the issues they face. We respond to this need by providing:

  • Accessible multi-channel advice, including;

Adviceline telephone service, self-help through our website, a face-to-face

service with home visits where appropriate, free telephone advice and improved digital channels including email, video call technology to provide face-to-face advice without the need to travel, a Single Point of Contact for third parties to refer clients easily, email advice, webchat and video calls.

  • Outreaches in rural areas and GP practices
  • Providing help in the right place at the right time (e.g. Advice Bus);

[developing flexible locations which involve the shortest journey for clients including locating Citizens Advice phones and computers in community access points for those clients who are digitally disadvantaged]

  • Continuing to build links with organisations that support rural communities, such as the Farming Community Network, to increase awareness of rural issues among our advisers, and to improve referrals into our service.
  • Specialist services helping people with increased energy costs, employment, housing, debt, income maximisation and welfare benefits 
  • Research and Campaigns Work
  • Involvement with the National Citizens Advice Rural Issues Group

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