RSP Member - Dartmoor National Park Authority

Dartmoor National Park Authority

Who we are

Dartmoor National Park Authority works to conserve and enhance Dartmoor as a vibrant, living, working landscape, supporting Dartmoor’s businesses and communities in partnership with local and national stakeholders.

Dartmoor National Park Authority was created by the Environment Act 1995 to:

  • conserve and enhance Dartmoor National Park’s natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage
  • promote opportunities for the public to understand and enjoy the special qualities of Dartmoor National Park.
We have a duty to:
  • promote the economic and social wellbeing of local communities in Dartmoor National Park.

And we are also the local planning authority for Dartmoor.

We aim to:
  • help to conserve and enhance the biodiversity, cultural heritage and landscape of Dartmoor
  • provide opportunities for people to enjoy the countryside and contribute to their health and wellbeing
  • support our local communities and the rural economy
  • be an efficient and effective organisation which works with partners to deliver the best outcome for Dartmoor.
How we work


  • produce the Dartmoor National Park Management Plan – this five year strategic plan from 2014-2019 guides all our work for the future of Dartmoor
  • are the planning authority for Dartmoor, responsible for preparing the local plan, helping parishes with their neighbourhood plans and determining planning applications.
  • promote sustainable development, and work with authorities and agencies concerned with the social and economic wellbeing of national park communities
  • protect, maintain and enhance natural habitats and areas of ecological significance, and advise on their protection and management
  • look after public access to the Park and maintain the footpath and bridleway network
  • provide the national park Ranger service
  • provide information about the park online, through leaflets and factsheets and in our information centres
  • run events and activities to help everyone learn about and enjoy Dartmoor
  • protect, maintain and enhance sites of archaeological significance and advise on their protection and management
  • have an education service to help young people understand and enjoy Dartmoor.