RSP Member - Lincolnshire Rural Support Network

LRSN was established in 1999 as a resource for the county’s rural communities and businesses in response to the plight of the farming community and the increased rates of suicide and mental health issues associated with an industry in crisis.

LRSN provides help, support, and advice to members of Lincolnshire’s farming and rural communities in times of crisis, stress, and change.

Our core work within rural communities is focused on:

Casework – primarily through one-to-one work with individuals, responding to referrals made in person or by others by telephone, email or at one of our drop-in advice points. Our casework volunteers have a range of experience including physical and mental health, stress, legal, finance, business, tenancy, and a range of other issues.

Helpline 0800 138 1710 – staffed between 8am and 8pm, with emergency out-of-hours contact. As well as providing signposting to advice and other agencies, the helpline is a point of contact for casework services.

Health Screening – delivered through drop-in points at Louth Market & Spalding Auction, and through ‘click book chat’ digital clinics overseen by our volunteer medical director and delivered by Registered Nurses, we offer confidential screening and advice across a range of medical issues.