RSP Member - Northern Powergrid

Northern Powergrid run the electricity distribution network that provides power to customers in the North East, Yorkshire and northern Lincolnshire.  We move electricity to and from homes and businesses over our network. As a large business in our region, we directly employ over 2,200 people, and also engage contractors to work with us to keep the lights on in our area.  We are a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy, which owns other companies mainly in North America.

Our electrical network will play a key role in the low-carbon economy, meeting the UK’s carbon-reduction targets will bring substantial change in the generation and demand of electricity. Our region is very active in developing wind and solar generation and we continuously aim to improve the services we provide to generation developers connecting directly to our network. We are involved in a project which involves undergrounding selected sections of overhead lines within National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

We understand that during a power cut, some customers may need additional support.  There are many different way we can support our customers which includes keeping them as up to date as possible through calls, text messages and digital channels.  We offer a Priority Services Register for customers who may require additional support and our customer support vehicles are deployed to provide hot drinks and snacks.

Through our customer promises, we are committed to:

  • Putting safety first
  • Respecting you, your time and your property
  • Doing a really good job
  • Caring for our local environment
  • Being there when you need us