RSP Member - Pub is The Hub

Pub is The Hub works with communities, licensees and the public and private sectors to restore essential local services and activities to rural communities.   Underused space in a village pub can become a valuable asset by offering a service to the neighbourhood. 

Projects unite people of all ages, and address issues of isolation and abandonment, which are high on the agenda for government, local and county councils and other public bodies.  Our voluntary local advisors support licensees who want to help their communities, but need a hand to hold and some expert advice and coordination.

In 2013 we launched our own Community Services Fund (CSF), as a ‘fund of last resort’ offering grants up to £3k to kick-start projects where no other local funding exists.

Our projects directly address local needs, ranging from cafes, libraries and shops to markets, IT training, hairdressers and cinemas and are benefiting over 100,000 people.