RSP Member - Reheat

Established in 2011, Reheat is a low carbon heat consultancy and installation firm located in Alnwick, North Northumberland. Prior to starting Reheat, the founders had each accumulated 10 years of experience in environmental education and protection, and of sustainable forestry management and development.  We have an unashamedly rural focus, and are proud to have our roots in England’s least populous county.

Now a team of 25 consultants and engineers, Reheat still lives its founding principles, one of which was to stimulate woodland management through the creation of local heat markets for low grade timber, keeping benefits local and reducing fossil fuel use.  The forestry sector is unique among land uses in that the greater the level of management activity, the greater the environmental benefits to biodiversity, landscape and carbon storage.  Additionally, the use of locally produced wood to displace oil, LPG and other fossil fuels plays an important economic role in many parts of rural England - keeping the price of heat stable and low, and the financial benefits local.

Although founded in biomass, our team work across a wide range of other technologies, including heat pumps, solar PV and solar thermal, and have combined multiple technologies to deliver projects which deliver resilience, community wealth building and fuel poverty objectives at the same time as reducing carbon emissions.  Our projects range from the remote and small scale, such as the design and installation of a new system for community buildings on the Isle of Eigg, where we used biomass, solar thermal and the ability capture excess electricity from the islands’ grid to provide space heating and hot water; through to large scale urban settings - including working with Stockport Homes over the past decade to transform the performance of their low carbon district heating schemes.

Our business is unique in that we offer both practical engineering solutions and industry-leading consultancy support to central and local government, other branches of the public sector, including the NHS, and to large corporates and third sector bodies such as the National Trust and Church of England.  Both sides of the business feed into each other, meaning our installation projects are typically best in class, while our consultancy advice is based on practical experience of the technologies we are advising on.

We are currently delivering a major programme for the Scottish Government, the Community Heat Development Programme, to support predominantly communities across Scotland to develop local, low and zero carbon heat project ideas.  We are also currently working with an off gas grid community in Northumberland to assess the technical and economic realities of a community-owned district heating network to better understand district heating as a way for the village achieving net zero status, meaning it could become one of the first community owned schemes of its kind in the region, and one of the largest in the UK.