RSP Member - Rural Media

Rural Media
"The work of Rural Media has made a significant contribution to the lives of those in the communities it serves and well beyond."  Lord David Puttnam CBE

Founded in 1992 by Rural Media’s CEO, Nic Millington, Rural Media is an award-winning education, production and development charity with a national reputation for innovative, socially aware film, digital arts and media work. The charity reaches and engages some of the most marginalised, isolated and vulnerable people in the UK, ensuring that diverse rural voices are heard and listened to.

Partnership working drives our sustainability planning and development.  Arts Council England and a wide variety of trusts, foundations, local authorities and EU funding support our work with rural communities. 

Rural Media’s participatory work with marginalised communities is nationally recognised.  Our work enables groups and individuals with lived experience including: disability, rural isolation, poverty, ethic discrimination, domestic violence, homelessness and substance abuse to acquire confidence and communication skills whilst informing local and national policy and service development.

Our work with young people of all abilities and backgrounds is designed to foster confidence and equip them with the flexible skillset to work in today's digital industries. We publish Travellers’ Times, a bi-annual print magazine and daily website (, that also delivers media skills, news-writing courses and events to train and support Gypsies, Roma and Travellers across the UK to tell their stories, inform a wider public, and advocate for their communities.

In 2016, we launched a sister company, Rural Media Productions (RMP), which produces broadcast standard programmes for local and national voluntary and public sector bodies.  Recent commissions include work for Local Authorities, BBC, Ch4, universities, LEPs and rural businesses. Profits from RMP are covenanted across to Rural Media Charity, enabling even more communities and rural organisations to benefit.