RSP Member - Rural West Sussex Partnership

The Rural West Sussex Partnership (RWSP) is the economic partnership representing the wider economy across rural West Sussex.

RWSP is supported by the four rural Districts: Horsham, Arun, Mid-Sussex and Chichester, plus West Sussex County Council and the South Downs National Park Authority.

RWSP’s primary role is to be the voice of the rural economy, supporting economic growth and the businesses based within West Sussex’s rural area.

Working in close collaboration with our funding partners and key stakeholders such as Coast to Capital LEP, Farming & Rural Issues Group SE, CLA, NFU, ACRE, Action in Rural Sussex, Local Chambers of Commerce and Educational Institutions such as Plumpton College we strive to improve the ability of our rural economy to sustainably grow and prosper.

RWSP closely works with Defra and other Government bodies and sits on the Defra External Working Group primarily looking at funding for rural areas.

RWSP is pleased to be a Member of RSN and supports RSN’s Revitalising Rural: Realising the Vision campaign.