RSP Member - The Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT)

Ever since The Community Heartbeat Trust (CHT) was formed, we have held high standards. We believe in three tenet -
Governance, Sustainability and Resilience

in community defibrillation, also known as Community Public Access Defibrillation or cPADs. This is not about cost, but about ‘Best Practice’ - after all, you are dealing with people’s lives. We help you choose the right equipment (all tested by CHT), installed in the right way with adherence to the correct legal standards, support and training, and long term sustainability of the project. 

As a “not for profit” organisation, the CHT charity is focused on providing the best impartial advice and support in assisting communities with the development of their proposed cPAD project, to bring it to completion and ensure it is fully supported throughout the lifetime of the site. With our Managed Solution this is warranted for 10 years.  We also donate defibrillators to needy causes, such as homeless centres.

We are unlike any other organisation, manufacturer or retailer as the CHT offers a unique, complete and holistic solution to the issues (including addressing potential liabilities) relating to the installation and function of community Defibrillators. We work in association with local ambulance services at all stages. CHT pride themselves on the fact they were the originators of the concept of the cPAD and the use of telephone kiosks. We are not adverse to challenging existing thinking. This is how standards are raised. CHT has the only UK defibrillator governance system, WebNos. This is a free service whether or not you buy equipment through us.

The Charity has to date placed over 5500 cPAD schemes throughout the UK, training over 100,000 people, working on projects with many communities as well as UK Ambulance Trusts, Police Forces, Fire & Rescue services, BT, BCF, Rugby Football Union (RFU), Club Cricket, Midcounties Cooperative, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and many more including over 900 Parish, Town and District Councils. Our most recent projects include being chosen to work in partnership with the RFU throughout England to support clubs at all levels to implement and maintain their defibrillator sites; to support cricket clubs delivering in 2019 over 100 cricket club solutions; and working with the Collective yogurt company by organising a campaign with CHT in memory of company founder Mike who died of a Sudden Cardiac Arrest, to convert a minimum of 15 telephone boxes into defibrillator sites.