RSP Member - The Community Transport Association (CTA)

The Community Transport Association (CTA) is a national charity that represents and supports providers of community transport: thousands of local charities and community groups across the UK that all provide transport services that fulfil a social purpose and community benefit.

We are for, and about, accessible and inclusive transport.

Our vision is of a world where people can shape and create their own accessible and inclusive transport solutions and our mission is to achieve this through championing accessible and inclusive transport, connecting people and ideas, and by strengthening our members and raising standards.

  • We do this through contributing to the formation of public policy that affects our members and our sector.
  • We show how better outcomes are achieved for people and communities when they have access to accessible and inclusive transport.
  • We create partnerships with likeminded organisations across all sectors.
  • We manage a national programme of quality assured education and training.
  • We provide comprehensive advice and guidance to those delivering community transport, and we take every opportunity to champion the vital and indispensable work that our members do.

Visit to find out more.