RSP Member - The Forum of Private Business

The Forum of Private Business was founded in 1977 as a not-for profit membership organisation which informs, advises and protects small, private and family businesses with any profits we make being invested back into providing better services for our members.

The Forum aims to make business better, from helping your business to deal with change and the resulting issues or making the general business environment a better one through our work with government and regulators.

Our members are business owners from all over the country, covering many industries, all at different stage of their business life, from Start-ups to those trading for many years. One thing they do have in common is that they don’t necessarily have the internal expertise or resources to manage the more complex compliance aspects of running a business in the UK.

That’s where the Forum can Help, as a busy business owner, you don’t always have time to do everything you should; that’s where Forum members have a big advantage over other businesses. Our members spend less time and money on compliance issues than non-member companies. so you can get on with running and growing your business while the Forum looks after the things that get in your way.