T: 01822 851370 E: [email protected]
Wales & West Utilities, a bit about us…
Every day our skilled and dedicated colleagues do their very best to keep our 7.5 million customers safe and warm, with a gas network they can rely on and a level of service they can trust.
We don’t sell gas; instead we use our extensive network of pipes to transport gas to homes and businesses throughout Wales and the south west of England. We respond to gas emergencies, and we invest £2m every day across our network, connecting new properties and replacing old metal pipes with new long lasting plastic ones, to make sure the communities we serve receive a safe and reliable gas supply for generations to come.
We are committed to helping our customers keep warm at a reasonable cost, and look after those most in need. Our Warm Home Assistance scheme has connected more than 11,000 homes to the gas network. We will support more than 12,500 new gas connections by 2021 where it’s a cost effective solution – saving each family as much as £700 per year. We also run important gas safety and carbon monoxide (CO) awareness campaigns and have provided over 18,000 CO alarms to our vulnerable customers. We work hard to find practical solutions to help those most in need, such as installing locking cooker valves to help those living with dementia retain their independence and stay in their homes for longer.
Protecting the environment is a key focus for Wales & West Utilities and we are constantly looking for ways to minimise the environmental impact of our past, present and future activities. By introducing and developing industry-wide best practices, we have reduced our environmental impact significantly year on year. That said, there are challenges we still face such as continuing our focus on fuel poverty, particularly how it impacts our more rural customers who are further from the gas network.
While the majority of our customers are in towns and cities, rural areas contain the majority of our high pressure and intermediate pressure distribution network supplying those towns and cities. The relationship we have with rural landowners through which these important assets pass is highly valued and we appreciate the good working relationships we enjoy with them and their representative bodies including the National Farmers Union and The Country Landowners Association.
We are proud to support Rural England and look forward to working with them and their wider partners to address these challenges collectively and continue to support the communities we serve.