T: 01822 851370 E: admin@sparse.gov.uk
The Rural Services Network (RSN) is thrilled to announce the National Rural Conference 2024, taking place from 16th to 19th September. This virtual event, accessible via Zoom, is the premier gathering for senior officers, members, policymakers, and rural service professionals.
Further information and booking details can be found here
The Countryside Stewardship Facilitation Fund supports facilitators (either individuals or organisations) who work with farmers, foresters, and other land managers to improve and protect the local natural environment through agri-environment schemes, supported by training.
The Facilitation Fund was established in 2015 and has set up 180 groups with 4,000 members of farmers and land managers, developing their knowledge and skills to improve nature restoration in their local areas.
Monitoring and evaluation studies have found that by coordinating action and working together, groups have achieved greater environmental benefits than would be the case from individual actions alone.
Local authorities and parish councils are among the list of organisations eligible to apply.
You can apply for:
Facilitation Fund 2023: Countryside Stewardship - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) will upgrade a significant amount of the social housing stock currently below Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) band C up to that standard. It will support the installation of energy performance measures in social homes in England, and help:
The SHDF Wave 2.2 ‘top up’ competition will allocate up to £80 million of grant funding from April 2024, building on the allocations made under the previous Wave 2.1.
The Wave 2.2 competition is expected to open to applications in the week beginning 20 November 2023.
Applications will be pen to:
Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund: Wave 2.2 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
These grants support gardening projects carried out within local communities all over England and Wales.
Applicants must be a fully set up community group, registered charity or Community Interest Company (CIC) with a functioning non-personal bank account.
An application must relate to an existing or proposed community garden or similar site. There must be no query over access to the space (such as restrictions imposed by ownership by another body).
Grants up to £5000 are available and the closing date for applications is 13 November 2023.
Community Garden Grants - National Garden Scheme (ngs.org.uk)
The Canoe Foundation is looking for projects across the whole of the UK that will:
The Canoe Foundation welcomes applications from:
The latest funding window is open until 31 January 2024.
The Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund, run by the Museums Association (MA), supports museums and their community partners to develop together, using collections.
The Fund supports museums to improve their inclusive collections and participatory practice with, and sometimes led by, community partners. They are looking for museums that have established strategic aims for diversity, equity and inclusion; and that are ready to use their collections and this funding to support social and climate justice, in ways that are relevant to local contexts and relationships.
Grants of up to £100k over around two years are available, and they are expecting to award around 12 grants per year in two funding rounds.
The current round is open for expressions of interest until 22 April 2024.
Esmée Fairbairn Collections Fund - Museums Association
The Foundation support charities that help people overcome complex issues that don’t have simple solutions, issues like homelessness, domestic abuse and addiction. These make life much harder for people; deepening trauma, impacting health and wellbeing, leading to poverty and destitution, and preventing people from being able to fulfil their potential.
The Foundation say: “Small, local, specialist charities play a unique role in helping people rebuild their lives. Their size, connection to their communities and deep understanding of the issues people face makes small charities best placed to reach, engage and support people. That’s why we support small charities with an annual income between £25,000 to £500,000 where the main focus of your charity is to provide support for one of the eight themes outlined below.”
They want to ensure that the charities supported can thrive beyond the lifetime of their funding. That’s why they combine an unrestricted grant of £75,000 with a breadth of tailored support aimed at helping to strengthen charities and build the knowledge, skills and capabilities of staff and trustees.
The programme opened for applications on 1 November 2023.
Apply for funding under our Specialist Programme (lloydsbankfoundation.org.uk)
This funding is for organisations to give extra support to young people in areas where they may be at risk of anti-social behaviour. The Lottery want to fund extra hours of youth work for additional activities that give these young people more places to go and positive things to do.
This programme is funded by the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) and The National Lottery Community Fund.
They can fund work with young people aged:
The fund is only open to projects in some parts of England. A full list is available on the website.
The deadline for applications is 24 November 2023.
Million Hours | The National Lottery Community Fund (tnlcommunityfund.org.uk)
The Foundation is an independent grant-making charity, which assists with the provision of care and aims to improve the wellbeing of older people in the UK. The Foundation gives grants to capital projects, refurbishment and for equipment, in addition to innovative schemes for ongoing care and projects which help people live active and fulfilling lives.
Grants are given to UK-based charities that can demonstrate how they are making peoples’ lives better. Around 70 organisations each year are successful in obtaining grants usually between £1000 to £3000. The average grant is £1,500.
The next deadline for applications is 10 December 2023.
W.G.Edwards Charitable Foundation (wgedwardscharitablefoundation.org.uk)
Historic England has launched a new round of their grant opportunity 'Everyday Heritage Grants: Celebrating Working Class Histories'.
Building on the success of the first round of Everyday Heritage Grants in 2022, they continue to be interested in funding projects that celebrate working class histories and the historic places that make up everyday life.
The grants are for creative projects that focus on heritage connecting people to historic places, specifically those people and places that are overlooked or underrepresented.
They will accept proposals for projects with costs of up to £25,000 but we are keen to fund a number of smaller projects up to £10,000.
All organisations and individuals are eligible to apply including community interest groups, charities and local authorities. Theye are especially interested in applications from groups and individuals that are not heritage organisations but can deliver heritage projects. While they are willing to fund proposals with links to established heritage institutions, they are especially interested in funding community-led projects. The closing date for applications is 7 November 2023.
Everyday Heritage Grants: Celebrating Working Class Histories | Historic England
£200,000 is available in small grants for grassroots sports clubs in need. Flutter UKI have teamed up with the UK charity Sported for the 2023 edition of Cash4Clubs, offering small grants of £2,000 to community sports clubs and organisations across the UK and Ireland.
The fund will be accepting applications between October and December 2023 with winners being notified early 2024.
Cash4Clubs: The 2023 Fund (cash-4-clubs.com)
Natural flood management (NFM) uses natural processes to reduce the risk of flooding. These processes protect, restore, and mimic the natural functions of catchments, floodplains and the coast to slow and store water.
NFM measures can include:
In September 2023 the Environment Agency and Defra announced £25 million funding for improving flood resilience through a new NFM programme. The Environment Agency are managing this programme.
Any person can apply as the lead applicant including a company, partnership, or any other legal entity. Likely lead applicants include:
The deadline for applications is 10 November 2023.
Natural flood management programme - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Organisations across England are invited to bid for a share of £1 million of government funding to buy life-saving defibrillators for community spaces like town halls, local parks or post offices. The fund will support provision of 2000 AED's. These will be distributed across England during 2023-2024, supporting any organisation based in England that is not eligible for the current Department of Education AED programme. The funding for the scheme is based on a first come first served basis. The funding will be allocated on the following basis:
The closing date for applications is 21 September 2024 – or once all the funding has been allocated.
The Castle Studies Trust is able to fund types of work that enhance the understanding and knowledge of castles.
Grants will initially focus on new work on castles such as architectural and geophysical surveys or scientific tests such as radio-carbon dating as well as projects to enhance the general public’s understanding of castles such as reconstruction drawings.
Grants will be up to a maximum of £10,000and the closing date for applications is 1 December 2023.
Applications have opened for Art Fund’s new programme, Going Places, which is investing in small to medium-sized museums across the UK.
The programme will enable museums to collaborate with each other and their local communities to create new and innovative touring exhibitions.
Art Fund are inviting applications in this first phase of the project. It will establish five networks of between three and five museums, with each network developing bespoke touring exhibitions. The focus is on engaging and involving under-served audiences with museum collections.
The national Lottery Heritage Fund has supported the first phase of the programme with £252,839 development funding, ahead of Art Fund making a delivery grant application at a later date.
The second phase of the project is due to start in 2025 and will run for five years. The programme will be shaped collaboratively with the participating museums, and will include funding for the museum networks to enable:
The deadline for applications is 24 November 2023.
Art Fund calls for museum partners in new UK-wide programme | The National Lottery Heritage Fund
The aim of the UKSAR Volunteer Training Fund is to assist Search and Rescue volunteering, by providing support for the costs of volunteers' operational training, to help improve safety and the quality of UKSAR services.
Grants are available from the UKSAR Volunteer Training Fund (UKSAR VTF)and funding will cover the period April 2024 to March 2026. Grants will offer support to UK Search and Rescue (SAR) organisations towards the training costs of their operational volunteers to support UK Search and Rescue (SAR) organisations with the training costs of their operational volunteers. Training must be considered to be a high priority to the organisation and must improve both the capability of the organisation and its volunteers and reflect the proven operational need in the local area.
The fund will provide up to 50% of training costs and they expect requests for support to be a minimum of £1,000, depending on need, scale and impact.
The deadline for applications is 14 November 2023.
Apply for a UK Search and Rescue Volunteer Training grant |CAF (cafonline.org)
Locality are pleased to announce that the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities have extended the full support programme for a sixth year into 2023/24.
The programme will continue to offer grants and Technical Support packages. Applications for both are now open.
The programme offers grants and Technical Support packages. If you're working on a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order, you can apply for grant funding of up to £10,000. Further grant funding up to an additional £8000 is available to groups meeting certain criteria.
Home - Locality Neighbourhood Planning
The Branching Out Fund is now accepting applications towards the costs of community planting projects.
Branching Out supports applications ranging in value from £250 up to £2,500, with specific criteria for those under £500, and those above £500.
Schools, community groups, residents’ associations, Parish Councils, charities and many others are eligible to apply,
The deadline for applications is 3 December 2023.
Branching Out Fund | Grants towards trees and hedgerows (treecouncil.org.uk)
The Foundation award grants to UK registered charities, CICs, and other registered UK not-for-profit organisations (including special schools). Grants are awarded towards capital projects, which they define as:
They fund both large and small projects.
What We Fund | The Clothworkers' Foundation (clothworkersfoundation.org.uk)
The Toy Trust welcome applications from small UK based children's charities working for the benefit of children across the UK.
Grants up to £5000 are available and the next deadline for applications is in mid-November.
The Foundation offers grants in the categories of Community, Education, Health or Social Welfare.
They offer three levels of grants. These are large grants of £20,000 and above; medium grants of up to £20,000 and small grants of £5,000 and under. Grants can be used for:
Applications are accepted all year round.
What We Fund - Bernard Sunley Foundation
The Thrive Together Fund provides a funding package of loan (75%) and grant (25%) to eligible charities and social enterprises in England.
The Fund is delivered by a partnership made up of Social Investment Business, Co-operative and Community Finance, Fredericks Foundation, Groundwork, Homeless Link and The Architectural Heritage Fund.
The fund is for small and medium sized charities and social enterprises based in and delivering impact in England, who are looking to grow or diversify their business models.
Between £25,000 and £150,000 is available to apply for (inclusive of loan and grant). The fund is currently open.
Thrive Together Fund | Funding | Social Investment Business (sibgroup.org.uk)
The Small Grants Programme seeks to develop opportunities for communities to get more people physically active. New projects from not-for-profit organisations will be supported through providing National Lottery funding of between £300 and £15,000.
They want to support projects that bring communities together and provide sport and physical activities for people who may be less physically active.
They also particularly want to support projects focusing on environmental sustainability.
They believe that communities that work together and share resources provide a stronger and more sustainable impact. Therefore, Sport England want applications from projects that demonstrate how they connect with their communities, make best use of the existing skills and assets in an area, and will provide the biggest possible impact to those who need it most.
The closing date for applications is 31 March 2024.
Small Grants Programme | Sport England
The Trust has announced two new programmes under the Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund that will help increase the stock of housing available to veterans.
The grants awarded under these programmes will enable homes for veterans with a housing need to be brought up to date through a refurbishment grant, or will support organisations with the early-stage development of more complex building projects.
If you apply by 8 January 2024, you’ll receive a decision before the end of March 2024.
Veterans Capital Housing Fund launches first programmes : Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
This programme will award grants of up to £15,000 for community projects that reduce isolation and promote integration in local Armed Forces communities.
Under this programme, they want to make a big difference to Armed Forces communities that are facing particular challenges due to cost-of-living challenges, or where there are hidden or complex needs within local Armed Forces communities and a local project could help address problems that vulnerable people are facing.
There is one more application deadline this year: 13 December 2023.
Force for Change programme (covenantfund.org.uk)
This programme will award grants of up to £100,000 over a period of up to three years.
This is a programme that will fund projects that will deliver significant changes or improvements for Armed Forces communities where there are hidden or compelling needs. They want to hear from those who know the most about what is needed and that’s why this year we are running such a broad programme.
If you apply for a grant, you need to show how this would help to address hidden, compelling and complex needs, particularly those of vulnerable Armed Forces communities who are most impacted by cost-of-living challenges, and where evidence has highlighted gaps in support and provision.
There is one more application deadline this year: 13 November 2023.
Reaching and Supporting Armed Forces Communities (covenantfund.org.uk)
Under this programme the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust will award grants of between £5,000 and £80,000 on behalf of the MOD’s Armed Forces Families Fund Early Years Programme, towards projects lasting up to two years, which help enhance early childhood education and childcare settings to meet specific needs of young children from Armed Forces families.
The deadline for applications is 12 January 2024.
Armed Forces Families Fund: Early Years programme 2023-24 : Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
The UK Community Tree Planting Programme aims to support community projects that will:
To be eligible, your organisation must be community-based e.g. a school, community group or non-governmental organisation.
There are two tiers of funding available:
Applications can be submitted from June onwards with a final deadline of 15 December 2023.
UK Community Tree Planting Grant — International Tree Foundation
The Fund is offering grants of up to £10,000 to support early-stage feasibility work on historic building projects.
You may be thinking about forming an organisation, have been recently constituted, or be a longstanding organisation tackling a new project. You have identified a building - either already in your ownership or one you have a reasonable prospect of acquiring. You may have some ideas about how the building could be restored and used but want to explore the options and test whether these will work.
In 2023/24, we will prioritise projects that meet the following criteria:
These grants should help you to establish whether a project is feasible. Work will probably focus on understanding the condition of the building, how it might be used, and whether that intended use is appropriate for the building and likely to be sustainable.
This grant programme is supported by funding from Historic England.
England | The Architectural Heritage Fund (ahfund.org.uk)
The Trust’s main grants programme provides support for places. These grants are for capital initiatives, i.e. buildings (new build or refurbishment) and equipment.
They fund a broad range of organisations working across the fields of education, science & medicine, health & disability, heritage, humanities & the arts.
The Foundation accepts applications from the following types of organisation:
Specific funding criteria apply to each.
Decision dates are in June and December annually. Corresponding application deadlines are 5 January and 1 September each year.
Funding for places - The Wolfson Foundation
The Trust makes discretionary grants where they believe that their contribution will make a real difference.
Applications must be for charitable purposes that fall into one of the five core categories below:
The minimum grant size is £10,000. Awards of more than £25,000 are rare.
Rolling grants programme – The Steel Charitable Trust
Benefact Trust’s Building Improvement Grants programme provides essential support to protect and enhance churches and Christian charity buildings, ensuring their continued use, viability, and the safeguarding of their heritage.
The programme is open to applications from churches, cathedrals, denominational bodies and Christian charities.
Under Building Improvement Grants, they are able to support direct capital costs relating to the following types of work:
All applicants will be expected to have secured funding for at least 30% of their total project costs before making an application.
New - Building Improvement Grants | Benefact Trust
Theatres Trust's Small Grants Programme, supported by The Linbury Trust, funds small projects that make a big impact to a theatre’s resilience, sustainability, accessibility or improving the diversity of audiences.
This scheme provides grants of up to £5,000 for essential works to enable not-for-profit theatres across the UK to be viable and thrive in the future.
Eligible projects include small capital works, the installation of key plant and machinery and works which make theatre buildings digital-ready.
This scheme will prioritise improvements to buildings that protect theatre use and remove barriers to participation and attendance.
The deadline for applications is 12 January 2024.
Small Grants Programme supported by The Linbury Trust (theatrestrust.org.uk)
The Urban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF) is open for new applications, there is no application deadline, but it takes three to five months from submitting a valid and complete application to an agreement being offered.
The fund provides 80% of published standard costs for the planting and establishment of trees in urban and peri-urban areas. In 2023 payments for trial pits have been introduced to check for the presence of services. The remaining costs of planting and establishing trees supported under the UTCF must be met through match funding, either in the form of money or labour. Applications received from 1 July 2023 onward can only schedule tree planting to take place in 2024/25, the last year of the fund. There is a minimum application value of £10,000.
Applications are assessed year-round, if you want to plant trees in 2024/25 your application needs to be submitted no later than 30 June 2024.
Urban Tree Challenge Fund - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Big Issue Invest is offering loan finance between £20,000 to £200,000 to social enterprises and charities in England, for energy efficiency and renewable energy installation.
This lending programme is aimed at enabling social enterprises and charities to access loan funding to help save money on energy during the unprecedented cost of living crisis. Investment can be used for a variety of projects, including:
The loans can be structured to your individual needs. They can be unsecured which means they will not require you to put any personal guarantees in place, or interfere with other financing arrangements that require security.
Big Energy Saving Loans - The Big Issue
UnLtd have funding available to get your social business started, or progress to the next stage of your journey.
Up to £18,000 is available to fund organisational costs of businesses less than four years old, including a dedicated support manager, expert mentors, workshops and learning opportunities.
The next deadline for applications is 31 December 2023.
UnLtd - Awards | Funding and support to grow your impact |
Children in Need often have several funding programmes open at any one time. These include:
Charities and not-for-profit organisations can apply for these grants for up to three years. They aim to give quicker decisions for grants of £15,000 or less per year. There is no application deadline.
Apply For A Grant - BBC Children in Need
Grants are available to fund Public Access Defibrillators in communities all over the country.
London Hearts is a charity aiming to help and support communities with the provision of heart defibrillators and teaching CPR/defibrillator skills. They can provide a grant of £300 towards the cost of a defibrillator and storage as well as a free online training video.
When someone has a cardiac arrest, timely intervention is the key to survival. By making more defibrillators available, and by training more people to use them, the better the chance of survival for a cardiac arrest victim.
This funding aims to help communities across the UK to address climate change.
They want to fund projects that:
Projects can apply for up to £1.5 million over 2 to 5 years, with most projects over £500,000. Minimum grant £500,000. They aim to fund around 8-12 projects. They expect the programme to remain open until at least December 2023 but it will depend on when and how many others apply for our funding.
Biffa Award’s Main Grants Scheme is aimed at community and cultural groups and organisations, situated in the vicinity of landfill sites, that are in need of funding to improve the quality of life in their community or to conserve wildlife.
There are four themes - Community Buildings, Recreation, Cultural Facilities and Rebuilding Biodiversity. Under these themes we provide funding to create or improve community amenities. For example, upgrading kitchens, meeting rooms and toilets in village halls and community facilities; creating new playparks; installing new seating, lighting and exhibitions within theatres and museums; or establishing, protecting and enhancing habitats for biodiversity.
Between £10,000 and £75,000 can be awarded to projects that have a total cost of less than £200,000 including VAT.
Project sites must be within 5 miles of a significant Biffa Operation or active Biffa Landfill Site (15 miles for Rebuilding Biodiversity projects) and within 10 miles of
any licenced landfill site in England and Northern Ireland.
This is a rolling programme and as such there are no deadlines to submit an Expression of Interest in the Main Grants Scheme.
Home Page - Biffa Award (biffa-award.org)
Through this new grant programme Motability aim to help charities and organisations to make an immediate impact for disabled people, by awarding funding to develop, expand and improve community transport options. The programme is focussed on:
Charities and organisations working in the community transport sector can apply for grants from £100,000 to £4 million at any point over the next three years until March 2025.
Charitable Grants | Community Transport Grant | Motability
The government offers grants to support the installation of electric vehicle chargepoints via the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV). This includes:
The closing date for all grants is 31 March 2025. For more information visit the website below.
The Listed Places of Worship (LPW) Grant Scheme gives grants that cover the VAT incurred in making repairs to listed buildings in use as places of worship. The scheme covers repairs to the fabric of the building, along with associated professional fees, plus repairs to turret clocks, pews, bells and pipe organs.
The Scheme has been run by DCMS with a focus on preserving heritage in the fabric of UK listed places of worship. Since its establishment in 2001, the Scheme has adapted to changes while continuing to support places of worship by delivering the fairest possible system of making grants and ensuring that all faiths and areas of the UK are equally able to make use of scheme.
The scheme only accepts applications where the minimum value of eligible work carried out on any one claim to the scheme is £1,000 (excluding VAT).
The Government has confirmed funding is available for the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme until 31 March 2025.
Listed Places of Worship - Home page (lpwscheme.org.uk)
The Foundation now has rolling grant programmes with no deadlines as follows:
Large grants are for larger charities whose annual income exceeds £500,000. They must be restricted to a project. Large grants usually range from £10,000 to £60,000. They can be awarded over one to three years.
Large grants are for larger charities whose annual income exceeds £500,000. They must be restricted to a project. Large grants usually range from £10,000 to £60,000. They can be awarded over one to three years.
Grants to charities - The Masonic Charitable Foundation (mcf.org.uk)
Delivered by the Community Shares Unit and funded by Power to Change, Community Shares Booster supports community businesses in the process of setting up and launching a community share offer that can demonstrate high levels of community impact, innovation and engagement. The programme provides:
Community Shares Booster - Power to Change
The Forestry England Woodland Partnership offers long-term leases with guaranteed income for public and private landowners to create new woodlands. The partnership scheme supports government plans for woodland creation, nature recovery and progress towards net zero targets.
Forestry England are looking for sites of at least 50 hectares suitable for woodland creation for leases of between 60 and 120 years, and landowners will receive a guaranteed annual rent throughout the lease period. Forestry England will design, plant and manage every woodland created, ensuring each is resilient to a changing climate, supports wildlife, and provides wider ecosystem services.
All woodlands created through the partnership scheme will be open to the public, providing valuable health and wellbeing opportunities for communities.
Part of the Nature for Climate Fund to support the government’s tree planting commitment, the Forestry England Woodland Partnership aims to create at least 2,000 hectares of predominantly broadleaf woodland over the next five years.
Applications are open all year round. Full details and brochures for public and private landowners are available on the Forestry England website.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund provide different levels of funding to heritage of all shapes and sizes. Their grants range from £3,000 up to millions of pounds.
Current programmes include:
Full information on all National Lottery Heritage Fund programmes is available on their website.
Welcome | The National Lottery Heritage Fund
The National Churches Trust is making changes to its grants programme.
They will continue to offer three types of grant. These will be:
The Farming in Protected Landscapes programme is a part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan.
It will offer funding to farmers and land managers in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), National Parks and the Broads. It is not an agri-environment scheme.
The programme will fund projects that:
The Farming in Protected Landscapes programme has been developed by Defra with the support of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and National Park staff from across England.
The programme runs until March 2025.
Get funding for farming in protected landscapes - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) for support to create new woodland, including through natural colonisation, on areas as small as 1 hectare. EWCO opened for applications on 9 June 2021 and replaces the Woodland Carbon Fund, which closed for applications in March 2021.
The grant is administered by the Forestry Commission and is funded through the Nature for Climate Fund. EWCO is one of a suite of Forestry Commission initiatives to support woodland creation and tree planting across England.
EWCO is open to owner occupiers, tenants, landlords and licensors who have full management control of the land in the application (if you don’t have full management control you will need consent from those who do). Joint applications, multiple land managers and applications on common land and areas of shared grazing are eligible.
England Woodland Creation Offer - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Energy Saving Trust has been appointed by Ofgem to distribute payments from energy companies who may have breached rules. The funds can pay for anything from making a home more energy efficient, to providing advice that helps consumers keep on top of their bills.
Energy Saving Trust has developed an open application process for charities seeking funding from the Energy Redress Scheme. Successful projects will be selected with input from an independent panel of experts and could cover a range of locations across England, Scotland and Wales.
The amount of funding available through the scheme varies throughout the year and will be reviewed on a quarterly basis in October, January, April and July. Eligible charities that have registered interest in the scheme will be notified when funds become available.
The minimum grant that can be requested is £20,000 and the maximum amount is the lesser of £2 million or the total value of the current fund.
The scheme can fund projects lasting up to two years, can fund 100 per cent of the project cost and can cover revenue and capital measures.
Round 13 of the Energy Redress Scheme is expected to open shortly. The previous round included the following elements:
The Foundation support a wide range of charities that make a positive difference, working in different sectors in the UK. These include welfare, youth, community, environment, education, health, arts, heritage and faith.
They fund small local organisations and large national institutions. Grants range from £1,000 to several million pounds, depending on each charity’s size and scope of work. The grants can be for your organisation’s running costs, for a specific activity or for capital projects. The Foundation are flexible and fund what charities need the most.
Normally, capital grants are no more than 10% of a total project cost. However, for local community projects (e.g. village halls, community centres, places of worship, etc.), grants are unlikely to be over £30,000 regardless of the project size. If your organisation wants to apply for £100,000 or over, they expect your annual income or project to be over £1 million.
What we fund - Garfield Weston Foundation
The FCC Community Action Fund provides grants of between £2,000 and £100,000 to not-for-profit organisations for amenity projects eligible under Object D of the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF).
The following types or organisation can apply:
Only applications for projects sited within 10 miles of an eligible FCC Environment waste facility can be accepted, you can check if you are located near an eligible site on their website.
The closing date for the current round of applications is 6 December 2023.
FCC Community Action Fund / FCC (fcccommunitiesfoundation.org.uk)
The Morrisons Foundation awards grant funding for charity projects which make a positive difference in local communities. Applications should deliver on (at least) one of three objectives to be considered for support, these are: Tackling the cost of living; Enhancing community spaces, facilities and services; Improving health and wellbeing.
Morrison Foundation Making a difference to people's lives (morrisonsfoundation.com)
The Government is providing up to £210m worth of voucher funding as immediate help for people suffering from slow broadband speeds in rural areas.
Vouchers worth up to £4,500 for homes and businesses help to cover the costs of installing gigabit broadband to people’s doorsteps.
You can check whether your premises is eligible for a voucher, find a list of registered suppliers, and see those who are active in your area on the website below.
The National Lottery Community Fund is open to all applications that meet their criteria, including support during COVID-19. With the COVID-19 pandemic still with us, they'll continue to support people and communities most adversely impacted by COVID-19. They can support you to:
The Awards for All programme can provide between £300 and £10,000 for up to one year. The Reaching Communities programme offers larger amounts of funding (over £10,000) for up to 5 years. The Partnerships programme also offers a larger amount of funding (over £10,000) for organisations that work together with a shared set of goals to help their community thrive – whether that’s a community living in the same area, or people with similar interests or life experiences.
This Small Grants Scheme is designed to support charities registered and operating in the United Kingdom, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities.
Online applications can be accepted from charities that have an annual turnover of less than £150,000 per annum. Larger or national charities will normally not be considered under this scheme.
The focus will be to make one-year grants only to cover core costs or essential equipment, to enable ongoing service provision, homeworking, or delivery of online digital services to charities that can show financial stability.
The priority will be to support local charities still active in their communities which are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community either directly or through online support if possible.
Grants are available between £2000 and £10,000.
Small Grants Scheme - (foylefoundation.org.uk)
This is a crowdfunding initiative that can match fund, up to £10,000, successful Crowdfunder campaigns from a pot of £1.5m. The partnership with Crowdfunder also includes advice, guidance and training to help create a successful campaign.
Active Together | Sport England
National Lottery Project Grants is an open access programme for arts, libraries and museums projects. The fund supports thousands of individual artists, community and cultural organisations.
Individual artists and practitioners, community and cultural organisations, museums and libraries can all apply. National Lottery Project Grants is open all the time, there are no deadlines.
Grants of between £1000 and £100,000 are available.
If you represent a charity or an organisation that provide assistance to serving and former members of the British Armed Forces who are in need, you can apply for a grant from the Veterans' Foundation. Grants are also available to operationally qualified seafarers and their dependants.
The closing date for the next round of applications is 30 January 2024.
Apply for a grant | Veterans' Foundation (veteransfoundation.org.uk)
Groundwork is working with High Speed Two (HS2) to deliver HS2 Community and Business Funds to help with the disruption that will be caused by the construction
In October 2014 the government announced two funding programmes to help offset the disruption of Phase One on local communities and businesses – the Community and Environment Fund (CEF) and the Business and Local Economy Fund (BLEF).
In January 2018, the then HS2 Minister announced an additional £5 million is to be added to the CEF and BLEF funding pot for those disrupted during construction of the Phase 2a scheme from Birmingham to Crewe. This brings the overall total of CEF and BLEF combined for Phase One and Phase 2a to £45m.
£40 million is for communities experiencing disruption from the construction of Phase One and £5 million is for communities experiencing disruption from the construction of Phase 2a. The Funds will be available during the construction period and for the first year of operational HS2 services. The Funds will support good quality bids that meet CEF and BLEF criteria, and funding will be available throughout this time period.
Both funds (CEF and BLEF) will award money from the same funding pot and so the amounts allocated for each Fund will depend on the number and quality of applications.
Schools, colleges and community groups in England can apply for grants to Blue Spark Foundation for a wide range of projects. The Foundation value academic, vocational, artistic and sporting endeavour in equal measure but are particularly keen to support projects which will help enhance the self-confidence, team working skills and future employability of children and young people.
Many grants will be under £2,000 and none are more than £5,000.
Projects which could be supported include drama, music, sport, art and design, debating, public speaking, academic education, vocational training, community projects, enterprise projects and educational excursions. This list is illustrative and not exclusive as to the types of projects that the Foundation support.
Help the Homeless makes grants to charitable organisations with the aim of helping homeless people return to the community and enabling them to resume a normal life. Grants are available to small and medium-sized charitable organisations to fund the capital costs of projects with grants of up to £5,000. The quarterly deadlines for grant applications each year are: 15 March, 15 June, 15 September and 15 December.
War Memorials Trust grants support repair and conservation works undertaken following best conservation practice. Almost all war memorials are eligible for support and custodians/owners can find information about eligibility and processes on the website.
Grants are normally awarded at 50% of eligible costs depending on the priority level of your project and are likely to be considered up to a maximum grant of £5,000 for non-freestanding war memorials while freestanding, non-beneficiary war memorials may be considered up to a maximum grant of £20,000. The minimum award is normally £125 but there is some discretion on minimum and maximum grant levels.
War Memorials Trust seeks to help all war memorial custodians, whatever the nature and size of their war memorial by facilitating repair and conservation projects. Details on current eligibility and deadline dates as well as how to apply can be found at the web address below.
The Football Foundation provides grants for building or refurbishing grassroots facilities, such as changing rooms, 3G pitches, fencing, portable floodlights, pitch improvements and clubhouse refurbishment. The Fund is available to football clubs, schools, councils and local sports associations and gives grants for projects that:
Grants are available for between £10,000 and £500,000.
Looking for funding | Football Foundation
Prepared by Andy Dean, Consultant to the Rural Services NetworkEmail: andy.dean@sparse.gov.uk |
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