Rural Homelessness Getting Worse

Sky News has featured the recently published research into rural homelessness which was commissioned by a group of key rural organisations including the Rural Services Network.

The research found that rural local authorities are being given 65% less government funding per person to tackle homelessness compared to urban areas. Solving this growing crisis requires urgent action, according to the acting director of campaigns and policy at CPRE, The Countryside Charity, Sarah McMonagle. She says house prices and rents in rural communities are "completely out of whack" with local wages - making it hard to live here unless you have a very good salary. Sarah is clear on how to tackle the problem: "First and foremost, we need a massive social house-building programme that we haven't seen in this country for years, with a significant proportion of that for rural communities where the problem is particularly acute.

The Sky story features the experience of one young man who with his last bit of money bought a tent which he uses to live in a wooded area near his home town, despite freezing temperatures.

Full article:

Sky News - Why is rural homelessness getting worse