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- 1st March 2019 - Government urged to produce new rural strategy ahead of Brexit
- 29th April 2019 - RSN response to the House of Lords Select Committee
- 8th July 2019 - Government response to the House of Lords Select Committee Report
- 6th September 2019 - Rural Services Network Conference renews calls for a Rural Strategy
- Shropshire Star (12 Sept 2019) - Shropshire councillor in renewed calls for a rural strategy
- Local Gov (29 April 2019) - Peers call for strategies to develop under performing rural areas
- Municipal Journal (28 April 2019) Article by Graham Biggs, CX of RSN - The Government must develop a rural strategy
- BBC Radio 4 - Farming Today (8 March 2019) - Farmers and activists, peatland restoration and rural services
- Politics Home ( 7th March 2019) - Rural England – A different place demands a different strategy
- Local Government First Magazine (October 2019) Article by RSN Chair Councillor Motley - Time for a Rural Strategy
- Times Newspaper (July 2019) Graham Biggs (RSN Chief Executive) coordinated a letter which was published - Rural neglect is being ignored