Social Mobility Barometer 2021

Six in ten people believe the pandemic has increased inequality, according to a new Social Mobility Commission poll reported in FE News this week.

The 2021 Social Mobility Barometer reveals that four in five adults (79 per cent) now believe there is a large gap between social classes. The findings also point to regional differences, with 74 per cent of people citing large differences in opportunities across Britain. Within England there is still a stark north-south divide in terms of how people feel about their prospects. Only 31 per cent of people in the north-east believe opportunities to progress in their area are ‘good’, compared to 74 per cent in London. The report also states that children from disadvantaged families, often without digital access, are falling behind at school.

Full article:

FE News - Social Mobility Barometer: "The public is right to be concerned about growing inequalities between different social classes"

GOV.UK - Social Mobility Barometer 2021


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