South East Water - Priority Services Register

Priority Services Register: free services for you, a friend or a family member

By registering for our Priority Services Register, you can:

  • Receive prior warning of planned work which may interrupt your water supply
  • Receive priority treatment should your water supply be interrupted (we aim to arrange an alternative source as quickly as possible, and will often hand-deliver bottled drinking water to our customers with mobility issues)
  • Receive important information in a more convenient format, such as large print or the spoken word, where our normal presentation style is not suitable
  • Register your own spoken or written password for our staff to use so that customers can identify them if we need to call at your home
  • Nominate somebody else to receive your water bill on your behalf, or someone we should contact if it remains unpaid (the person you nominate must agree to this)
  • Receive easy-to-read, large print bills (we can also arrange to call you and read your bill to you)
  • If English isn't your first language we may be able to help you with our interpretation service when you call
  • Receive information about specialist organisations which are able to provide advice on possible adaptations to water fittings and appliances around the home
Difficult paying your water bill?

If you are finding it hard to pay your bills and are on a low income, you may be in ‘fuel poverty’. Some suppliers have organised special reductions for people in ‘fuel poverty’. These schemes and tariffs are deals for vulnerable customers and ‘fuel poor’ customers.

If you’re having difficulty paying your water bill, you can contact the Customer Care Team on 0333 000 2468, or email

The range of special tariffs and support they offer are;

Social Tariff If you have a low income or are in receipt of specific benefits, you may be eligible for the new Social Tariff. If you’re successful, your water bill will be capped at the fixed charge for the year.

WaterSure caps your charges to our average bill. You could be considered for WaterSure if you are a metered customer in receipt of certain qualifying benefits, have either three or more children under the age of 19, or have someone in your home with a medical condition which means you use a lot of water

Helping Hand Social Fund is financial help if you’re in debt with your water charges. Helping Hand can help people clear their debt and start again.

Single Occupancy Tariff is available for those living on their own. If you think you are eligible please contact South East Water

Water Direct a third party deduction scheme administered by the Department for Work and Pensions. If you claim certain benefits such as Income Support, Pension Credit, Income-based Jobseeker’s or Employment Support Allowance, they may be able to take deductions straight from your benefits


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